Tag Archives: comedy

Dr. Sue Guard Hamilton

Dr. Sue “Mrs. Hamilton the Musical” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue’s Funny Review “Mrs. Hamilton the Musical”

“Hamilton the Musical” is a lot of laughs…after the show! I streamed the mega-hit, mega-bucks Broadway show on my computer. Due to the pandemic, Broadway is closed for live entertainment, but “Hamilton” now streams online – if you subscribe to Disney +.

I am in voluntary self-quarantine, so I spend most of my time at home with my computer – or going for morning, solo walks in my New York City park – where I became friendly with the Brookfield Place Security Guard. I always wear a mask indoors, but when I’m outdoors for my early morning, uncrowded walks, I’m less cautious. The Guard is more available before the daytime crowd arrives. We stay six apart and enjoy lively conversations, updating each other on our lives – with encouragement and humor.

The morning after I watched “Hamilton” I encountered my new friend, the Guard. He had not seen the show on Broadway or online, so I summarized the story – with my own comic twist – and here it is!

Hamilton (a US Founding Father), a.k.a. “Mr. Ham” is the lead role. Mr. Ham, immigrates to the pre-USA, fights for independence, invents banking, flirts with his bride’s sister, insults people, and fathers a son – who gets into to a duel to defend his dad’s honor. Mr. Ham tells his son to shoot into the air – which gets him killed.

Mrs. Hamilton is really steamed – especially when Mr. Ham defends his financial honor to his enemies by pointing out that his suspicious check stubs were payments to the hubby of a local hottie for letting Ham and hottie do the nasty in the wife’s bed.

Mr. Ham gets into his own duel, shoots into the air, and gets himself killed.

The musical makes multi-millions – on stage and now…on screen.

The Security Guard and I plan to write a sequel called… “Mrs. Hamilton: I Married a Moron! “

In our version, Mrs. Ham gets the pistol and shoots Mr. Ham in his pee-pee.

She becomes a Founding Mother, and we become billionaires!

Our new, improved version has comedy and a happy ending! We expect it to be a success – on stage, screen and as a sitcom/reality show called… “I Married a Moron!” The married couple will be play by a celebrity wife and a famous US politico husband. Guess who!

We hope to spin-off the sitcom into dance-exercise videos – so you can social distance – and stay in shape! Here is a free sample!

Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/drsuecomedian

Dr. Sue and Security Guard Dance-Exercise in the Park!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical www.switchthemusical.com

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Orange Boa Trump Cabaret Comedy

Dr. Sue: “Come to the Orange Boa Bunker-Boy Trump Cabaret” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue: “Come to the Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret
Positive Entertainment

Here in solo quarantine due to Covid-19, life can be lonely and boring. Let’s face it, human beings need to share food, drinks…and show tunes!

All the theaters and cabaret venues in New York City are closed. There’s no stage, no scenery, no colored lights, no live audience – and worst of all – no cute waiters.

What’s a cabaret girl (or boy) to do? We still want to connect – and we need to stay creative. We need life purpose, we need human company, we need the arts, we need… “Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret”!

Some of us live-stream; some of us zoom; some of us youtube, and some of us social media. Some online friends become ongoing friends – who comfort and cheer us through these dark days and nights – minus the bright light lights of Broadway and mini-lights of cabaret. This show is for you.

I call it my Home-Style Comedy Cabaret. It’s not as filling as home-fries, but on the bright side – I won’t have to burn calories at my gym – which is still closed 🙂

By the way, this show is called “Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret” – so if you don’t like political comedy – or orange feather boas – and you do like the orange-themed POTUS – don’t watch my video!

But if you do, here we go-a with my boa!

What good is siting alone in your bunk?
Come to where rainbows play
With orange hair you’ll be quite a hunk
Come to Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret!

Dr. Sue sings “Come to the Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret”

Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/drsuecomedian

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical www.switchthemusical.com

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue West Point Comedy

Dr. Sue sings funny Covid-19 song! Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue sings funny West Point Covid-19 song! Positive Entertainment

Hi, I’m Dr. Sue.

Hope you enjoy my original funny song. It’s called : “Covid-19”

My song is based on real (not fake) news about President Trump giving an in-person commencement speech at West Point Academy.

The young cadets have been away since early March.
But now, they have to travel back and forth to West Point
– fifty miles from New York City – the epicenter of a pandemic!

Dr. Sue imagines herself as a young cadet who’s getting nervous… 🙂

Please Like, Comment, Share, and/or Subscribe to my Blog and/or YouTube Video! 
You’ll be notified when I post something new – and we can stay connected!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical www.switchthemusical.com

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Titanic Panic

Dr. Sue Romantic Comedy “Titanic-Panic” Positive Entertainment

  titanic-gorman-sueManhattan Repertory Theatre presents “TITANIC-PANIC: Move Over Baby!” A Romantic Comedy by Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz Co-Starring: Susan Horowitz and Gorman John Ruggiero Audience Comments:  “Your show was very impressive! You are terrific! I see it as a television series” (Pat McGuinn, Agent/Producer) “Absolutely engrossing! It felt like a real relationship – so natural I forgot they were acting.” (Andreas Quioga, Filmmaker) “Wonderful! This has such promise! I can see them really falling in love and the audience going nuts! You were adorable!”  (Bobbie Horowitz, Producer/Writer NYC/London) “It was so touching…I cried.” (Carolina Parker, Student BMCC/CUNY) “My main influences are Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, and Goldie Hawn.  I interviewed Ball and Burnett for my book Queens of Comedy. Lucy told me the secret of the success of I Love Lucy is the audience loved the comedy and the Lucy-Ricky romance; Carol played comedy spoofs of romantic movies; and I’ve often been told I remind people of Goldie Hawn.” – Susan Horowitz (Award-Winning Writer/Performer) short-play-project-series-1-posterManhattan Repertory Theatre Presents: “TITANIC-PANIC: Move Over Baby!” 17-19 West 45th Street Suite 301 NYC 10036  (left of Turkish restaurant, Push Code #109, then lower button with bell icon) Reserve: http://manhattanrep.com/short-play-project-dec-2016/ Price: $20 – for a full evening of entertainment in the center of Manhattan!

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos  
Dr. Sue Logo

Dr. Sue Sings Funny Song “My Significant Other Is Plants!” Positive Entertainment

significantDr. Sue Sings her Original Funny Song: “My Significant Other Is Plants!”


Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367

Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net

 www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos  

Dr. Sue Hanu-Krismas

Dr. Sue “Happy Hanu-Krismas!” Holiday Song Positive Entertainment


“Happy Hanu-Krismas!”

An Interfaith, Multi-Cultural Holiday Song/Video

by Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz, Ph.D. (copyright 2015)

“Happy Hanu-Krismas!” Celebrates Diversity!


“There’s all kind of people, why make a fuss?

Happy Kwanzaa and Eid, Happy Hanu-Krismas!

Feliz Navidad, Happy Hanu-Krismas!”


Click on Video for Holiday Song/Video “Happy Hanu-Krismas”

An original, witty, warm celebration of diversity!


Dr. Sue Horowitz’ original comedy “JUDY MACCABEE” won a national children’s playwriting contest!

“JUDY MACCABEE” is a merry mashup of Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, and the Hanukkah story!

Dr. Sue’s mission is to create empowering entertainment!

Sue MimosaSusan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz,Ph.D. www.drsue.com

CD “Keys of Love” www.cdbaby.com/drsue

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (interviews with Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, etc.) http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367

“Sss…Witch!” – a Magical, Motivational Musical! www.ssswitch.net

Join Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz) on Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter!

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Dr. Sue “It Shoulda Been You” (Broadway Review by Dr. Sue) Positive Entertainment

Turn a wedding cake upside down, twirl it like a dreidel, and what have you got?  A modern, musical spin on a free-wheeling wedding farce! This vastly entertaining show has plot twists galore, plenty of doors, discoveries, lover-ies and a superb cast (headed by Tyne Daly), director (David Hyde Pierce), and creative team Barbara Anselmi (Music/Concept), Brian Hargrove (Book/Lyrics). Show Folk: Harriet Harris, Lisa Howard, Sierra Boggess, David Burtka, Montego Glover, Chip Zien, Josh Grisetti, Edward Hibbert, Adam Heller, Michael X. Martin, Anne L. Nathan, Nick Spangler. Hope you enjoy hearing me sing my original song: “You Can Be a Hero” copyright 2015 Susan Horowitz Creative Living by Dr. Sue: Ride’em Cowboy (and Girl) & Support the Arts! Ride’em Cowboy (and Girl)!: Comedy and couple-dom are full of unexpected twists.  We get a choice – resist and stick with the “shoulda” or go with the ride. Which do you think leads to more happiness? Support the Arts!: Without the arts, many children have no chance for a better, more fulfilling life! Without the arts, there is no real beauty, joy,  or civilization!

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos    
Dr. Sue Logo

Dr. Sue “A Jewish Girl Named Tex” Positive Entertainment

A Jewish Girl Named Tex - Photo by Russ Weatherford

A Jewish Girl Named Tex – Photo by Russ Weatherford

A song publisher once advised me to write story songs. He said that some of our favorite songs tell stories.  Audiences enjoy them,  and they’re hard to get! I love stories, comedy, and writing challenges! I also  believe that if you can do something a bit unusual, you have a real advantage, so I was excited about taking a class in comedy songwriting at my favorite songwriting/performance camps (www.Summersongs.com ),  and Posi Music Festival at Empowerma.com in Orlando, Florida). I wound up writing and performing my song “A Jewish Girl Named Tex” in many venues, including Summersongs concerts and New York City cabarets.    Please enjoy the video, and read on for a few thoughts about writing story songs and comedy. Video: “A Jewish Girl Named Tex” ) Sue Tex (2)1. What makes a great story?  One of the most important elements is a central character with a strong “want”.  Also, when a sympathetic character is unfairly mistreated and/or headed for trouble, we worry and want to know what comes next.   In “A  Jewish Girl Named Tex” the main character is abandoned by her parents, confused about her identity, and looking for love.  Sympathetic? You bet!)  The other important character – the impulsive mother – gets used and dumped by a no-goodnik, but she’s still “hopin’ for romance.”   What happens? The song takes you on a journey that answers these questions. 2. What makes something funny? Question #1 doesn’t sound funny – but it is, because comedy is rooted in pain – as long as it’s framed as comedy pain and uses comic writing/performing techniques. How do you do that? To answer that question (plus questions about comic combos like Brooklyn girls and cowboys, song structure, rhyme, punch lines, audience participation, etc) , we need more than a short blog.   I invite all writers/performers (amateur and expert) to contact me for workshops in New York City, Online via Email, and at Summersongs.com and Posi Music Festival. RickBassSueI also invite you to hear me sing  romantic songs & parodies in New York City and songwriting camps like Summersongs! Creative Living: Do What You Love – and Be Part of a Community: I love writing and performing songs.  What do you love? Can you find a way to connect (via camps, conferences, meet-up groups, clubs, professional associations, etc.) that supports who you are. Chances are you’ll find more than feedback on your skills – you’ll find friends and community. (Editor/Photographer: Jay Berman, Videography: Jim Vern)

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos