Tag Archives: New York City

New Word with Dr. Sue "Broadway"

New Word with Dr. Sue “Broadway”

New Word with Dr. Sue “Broadway”

New Word with Dr. Sue "Broadway"

New Word with Dr. Sue is “Broadway!” Welcome to Broadway, the glamorous, glittering heart of New York City! As the song says: “They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway! They say there’s magic in the air!” (Lyrics and Music are by the fabulous George Benson.) Please Scroll Down for video with Dr. Sue singing Benson song plus her “New Word” theme song!

New Word with Dr. Sue "Broadway"

New Word with Dr. Sue “Broadway” – Showbiz excitment! How do you get to Broadway?

You can buy a ticket to a show! Broadway shows can be expensive, but well worth it! Or, look for discount options and previews.

You can invest in Broadway shows for special access to stars, opening nights, and more! Or donate (with a tax-deductible contribution).

If you’re an aspiring performer or creator (like Dr. Sue) learn your craft, practice, audition, submit your shows, and begin your journey to Broadway bows! It’s a challenge, but as Dorothy (in Rainbow To Oz) discovered on her road (yellow, like the Playbill program), it’s worth the trip!

New Word with Dr. Sue Broadway – History! I love the thrill of a Broadway show! And what of Broadway long ago?

The Lenape were the indigenous inhabitants of Manhattan, which they called “Manahatta” – meaning “hilly island.”

The word “Broadway”‘ originates from the Dutch “‘Heeren Weigh” meaning “Gentlemen’s Way,” inspired by a similar street in Amsterdam. After the British took over New York from the Dutch, it was renamed “‘Broadway”‘ for its unusual width.

The first theater company appeared downtown in 1750 on Nassau St, performing opera and Shakespearean plays. After the Revolutionary War, other theaters began to pop up, the growth gravitating eventually north to midtown where real estate prices were lower. The expansion and establishment of theaters along Broadway led to the word’s popular use as we know it today.

And now, for on-the-spot excitement, here’s a video of Dr. Sue at a Broadway theatre!

New Word with Dr. Sue “Broadway”

You can order Dr. Sue’s Book “Queens of Comedy” based on her interviews with legendary comedians!


You can preview Dr. Sue’s Musical “Rainbow To Oz”

Rainbow to Oz

Support New Word by Donations or Ordering Products! Click on Link Below!

Contact Dr. Sue by using Contact Form on this website!

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Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical RainbowToOz.com www.rainbowtooz.com


Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Teddly Bear American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)

Dr. Sue Virtual Tour American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Virtual Tour American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue and her Teddly Bear Puppet invite you to a Virtual Tour of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City! https://www.amnh.org/

Enjoy a Special Exhibit “The Nature of Color” – a scientific, artistic, cultural view of hue – and meet bears in New York City!

Dr. Sue & Teddly Virtual Tour American Museum of Natual History (AMNH)
Dr. Sue & Teddly Bear on Virtual Tour of American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)

Dr. Sue & Teddly – Entertaining Virtual Tour American Museum of Natural History

What are colors? Which ones can we see? Can some animals see what we cannot? Are there “colors” (electromagnetic waves) that we can’t see, but which powerfully affect our lives?

How do we “see” color – how does a “colored” object, light, or reflection send a message to our eyes and brain? Do colors create feelings, and do colors mean different things in different cultures?

Why do some animals have different colors at different times? How can color make an animal a mating magnet or a “master of disguise”?

People come in different colors too, but how different are we – under the skin?

If you’re curious about color you’ll love this special exhibit “The Nature of Color” at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). There’s plenty more to see at AMNH. Look out for skeletons, fossils….and bears!

Your Video Host is Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz, Ph.D.) Entertaining Educator – plus her best friend Teddly Bear – a Puppet with Personality!

Enjoy Dr. Sue’s original song “Friends Are Soul Food” (Music on Request).

Dr. Sue is Available for Live and Online Programs.
Contact Form on Website, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susan.horowitz1

Museums Are Soul Food 

Museums are soul food 
Friends are soul food
Take a tour, and I am sure
We'll share good company

Museums are soul food 
Friends are soul food
We can share the things we love 
With a special friend
Won't you be my friend...

"Museums Are Soul Food" by Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz
copyright 2020
"Friends Are Soul Food" is also a complete song with Written Music 
Available on Request from Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz
Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical RainbowToOz.com www.rainbowtooz.com


Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Tulips Mask Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Health Tips COVID-19 Positive Entertainment

Here are Health Tips to Prevent Infection! Don’t touch your face! COVID-19, like most coronaviruses and the flu, enter the body through the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, and mouth – all of them on the face. I realized that one of the main reasons that I touch my face is to brush away my loose hair that falls on my face. So I fastened my hair with a scrunchy and tucked it under my cap. Wearing the cap also reminds me – don’t touch my face! I’m on my solo walk in the park. I’m keeping social distance – with fresh air, sunshine, flowers,… and a curious squirrel who ran up to my feet. But I walked away. Better rude than sorry 🙂 Touching your face is an unconscious habit, and it’s easy to slip – so wash or sanitize your hands as soon as you get home – do it regularly. Cover your nose and mouth. Health Care Workers need medical-grade masks but a scarf or home-made mask offers some protection Avoid touching paper and public surfaces – that includes cash, receipts, doorknobs, railings, etc. Hydration, multivitamins and particularly zinc are helpful for body’s defense against all viruses. Use as directed. Excess of  any vitamins and minerals not recommended and could actually lower your immune response. Do not take Ibuprofen or Advil – unless truly necessary. According to some sources, these drugs make the virus much worse – with patients winding up on ventilators. This warning about Ibuprofen and Advil is disputed, but we say, why take the risk? Be mindful of early symptoms of COVID-19, which include:
  • Feeling achy or exhausted
  • unusual sniffles
  • low grade temp or flushing
  • alteration of smell or taste.
If symptoms progress to frequent coughing or Shortness of Breath, seek medical care immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to keep the morbidity and mortality low. Health Advice comes from Medical Doctors with Experience in Infectious Respiratory Disease.  Here’s my Video with Health Tips! 

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos
Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment Logo

Dr. Sue New York New Works Theatre Festival Positive Entertainment

NYNW Director Gene Frisch & Dr. Sue

NYNW Director
Gene Frisch & Dr. Sue

What’s so special about New York New Works Theatre Festival? First: there’s the fun, party-like atmosphere in the theatre lobby/bar.  You can single/mingle, find friends, or even meet real industry heavy weights, like Tony-Award winning Broadway producers, directors, writers, designers, etc.  (Here’s a tip – if the show starts at 7pm, show up at 6:30 and check out the crowd. Order a drink, which you can bring into the theatre – you’ll support the venue – which keeps your ticket price low.) Second: there’s diversity. Each night offers a buffet of entertainment possibilities – five/six twenty minute excerpts from different shows. Festival selections include hilarious comedy, political cabaret (with parody songs), heart-wrenching drama, musical theatre (including a Broadway revival), sexy dance theatre, a puppet show for kids, etc. If you don’t like one show – stick around for the next. (Here’s a tip – there’s a short intermission between each show, so stand and stretch or chat with your neighbor – you may learn something or make a connection – and your legs will thank you. Wait? Do legs talk – well, maybe – in experimental theatre.) Third: there’s the location and time – Times Square Arts Center -300 West 43rd Street/8th Ave. (2nd Floor) NYC – one block from Port Authority; 7pm – How easy is that? (If you absolutely have to leave early – you can do it during a short intermission.) Fourth: there’s the price – only $20/ticket for a full evening of theatre. If you’re an audience member you can have fun and support your friends,  make new ones, and make your opinion count – (you can vote for your two favorite shows to make it to the finals and win prizes). Fifth: if you’re a theatre artist, you get to showcase your show to industry pros and get feedback – for a reasonable cost.  Why? Because New York New Works Theatre Festival picks up most of your production cost and invites a panel of experts to give feedback and select (along with audience votes) the shows that make it to the finals. “We wanted to make a difference.” says  Gene Fisch, Jr., founder and Festival Director. (The “We” includes Abby Judd, Festival Manager, and Melissa Gordon, Marketing, of Bear In Mind Creative.) “I noticed that many theatre festivals put a real financial strain on emerging artists – with little to show for it.  I thought – we can do better. New York New Works Theatre Festival aims to  include emerging artists in the Broadway community and offer guidance and real opportunities. – and several of our shows are on their way!” Video by Saat-Sue Multi-Media So – why is New York New Works Theatre Festival special? Because it offers audiences and artists entertainment and opportunities – for fun, creativity, and professional success! The New York New Works Theatre Festival runs August/September – Semi-Finals September19-22, 26  with the finals gala on October 5 2016.  Tickets are available online at www.nynwtheatrefestival.com . Find The New York New Works Theatre Festival on Facebook @nynwtheatrefestival, Twitter: @nynwtheatrefest  |  #nynwtheatrefest and online at www.nynwtheatrefestival.com

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos  
Dr. Sue Logo

Dr. Sue “A Jewish Girl Named Tex” Positive Entertainment

A Jewish Girl Named Tex - Photo by Russ Weatherford

A Jewish Girl Named Tex – Photo by Russ Weatherford

A song publisher once advised me to write story songs. He said that some of our favorite songs tell stories.  Audiences enjoy them,  and they’re hard to get! I love stories, comedy, and writing challenges! I also  believe that if you can do something a bit unusual, you have a real advantage, so I was excited about taking a class in comedy songwriting at my favorite songwriting/performance camps (www.Summersongs.com ),  and Posi Music Festival at Empowerma.com in Orlando, Florida). I wound up writing and performing my song “A Jewish Girl Named Tex” in many venues, including Summersongs concerts and New York City cabarets.    Please enjoy the video, and read on for a few thoughts about writing story songs and comedy. Video: “A Jewish Girl Named Tex” ) Sue Tex (2)1. What makes a great story?  One of the most important elements is a central character with a strong “want”.  Also, when a sympathetic character is unfairly mistreated and/or headed for trouble, we worry and want to know what comes next.   In “A  Jewish Girl Named Tex” the main character is abandoned by her parents, confused about her identity, and looking for love.  Sympathetic? You bet!)  The other important character – the impulsive mother – gets used and dumped by a no-goodnik, but she’s still “hopin’ for romance.”   What happens? The song takes you on a journey that answers these questions. 2. What makes something funny? Question #1 doesn’t sound funny – but it is, because comedy is rooted in pain – as long as it’s framed as comedy pain and uses comic writing/performing techniques. How do you do that? To answer that question (plus questions about comic combos like Brooklyn girls and cowboys, song structure, rhyme, punch lines, audience participation, etc) , we need more than a short blog.   I invite all writers/performers (amateur and expert) to contact me for workshops in New York City, Online via Email, and at Summersongs.com and Posi Music Festival. RickBassSueI also invite you to hear me sing  romantic songs & parodies in New York City and songwriting camps like Summersongs! Creative Living: Do What You Love – and Be Part of a Community: I love writing and performing songs.  What do you love? Can you find a way to connect (via camps, conferences, meet-up groups, clubs, professional associations, etc.) that supports who you are. Chances are you’ll find more than feedback on your skills – you’ll find friends and community. (Editor/Photographer: Jay Berman, Videography: Jim Vern)

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos    
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Dr. Sue New York Times Travel Show Positive Entertainment

Win a Cruise @NY Times Travel Show

Win a Cruise @NY Times Travel Show

The annual New York Times Travel Show has something for everyone:  from fantasy vacations to a fun afternoon! You can vacation globally (Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, Antarctica)! You stay-cation in NYC with a Broadway Show, Dining Certificate &  Parking Voucher with ManhattanClub.com You can spin a wheel and win a deal (a cruise for two) at GetReadyToCruise.com NYTimesTravel1You can book a cruise or cruise with books with RoadScholar.org , EnrichmentVoyages.org , or SemesteratSea.org (learning & adventure for savvy seniors or college students). You can time-travel through New York State via ILoveNY.com/PathThroughHistory,. You can climb-travel in the Himalayas or a fiberglass wall at the Javits Center. (The wall is a good place to drop off the kids – but fasten that safety harness – unless you really want to drop them off!) You can climb into a bikini  at a resort pool… or climb into a martini at a midtown Manhattan bistro… RickSue1BrightSue “Dr. Sue” Horowitz (Vocalist)  & Rick Bogart (Clarinet) Perform Jazz Standards, Romantic  Songs & Clever Parodies Broadway Thai Restaurant  241 West 51st Street (btwn Broadway-8th Ave) NYC Saturday/Sunday Nights  (212) 226-4565, No Cover. Thai &  American Food & Drinks are delicious (and reasonable) Creative Living: Live Your Vacation Dream  – You can’t take it with you – but you can take a plane, train, bus, boat or taxi  to wherever you imagine! So as the song goes, “Pack up all your cares and woes…” and go for it! (Editor/Photographer: Jay Berman)

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos  
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Dr. Sue Travel New Orleans & NYC Positive Entertainment

NO Red Fish GrillLike a rich gumbo (New Orleans ) or Manhattan clam chowder (New York), big cities can be spiced for every palate:  from fantasy wild to family mild. There’s no way to summarize their delights in one blog, but here’s a taster’s menu. Red Fish Grill: “Friends don’t let friends eat frozen fish” is the motto of this Bourbon Street restaurant, which serves only fresh-caught fish in an ambiance of  artworks by local artist Luis Colmenares. Here I am displaying my catch: a metal sculpture of a fish by Colmenares. (By the way the meal was much tastier – and easier to cut!)   NO MasksWear and Buy a Mask – or admire one in a Mardi Gras parade, shop, or museum.  The carnival season lasts from January 6 (or “Twelfth Night”) through Mardi Gras (translated from the French as “Fat Tuesday.” Mardi is traditionally the last day of feasting before Ash Wednesday – the beginning of Lent). A variety of  krewes (clubs) create and ride on themed floats, fling  “throws” (beads and trinkets) at the crowds lining the parade route, wear costumes, and/or sponsor balls all season long.   NO HarlequinEven out of season, you can catch the flavor at Mardi Gras World! It’s a unique museum/warehouse/studio – with a fabulous book/gift shop! Artists design the sculpted decorations for the next  festival season. They also provide decorations  for casinos and theme parks all over the world!   NO Jazz ParkExplore the French Quarter .  You’ll find everything from street musicians to strip joints.  Some of Bourbon Street is on the seamy side, but other parts of the Le Vieux Quartier  (The Old Quarter) offer courtyards with splashing fountains and hundred-year-old houses that suggest New Orleans green, purple and gold theme colors in muted, vintage hues. You can pump up the volume at jazz clubs (the spirit of Louis Armstrong and other jazz greats lives on!) grab a chicory coffee and a beignet (doughnut) at Cafe Beignet; ride a river boat right out of Kern/Hammerstein’s musical “Showboat”); board a trolley (think “A Streetcar Named Desire” – Tennessee Williams’  classic play set in New Orleans); or catch an outdoor tumbling act with multi-ethnic audience participation and equal opportunity ribbing. What to Eat: New Orleans is famous for its cuisine. Here are a few favorites: Marriott Marquis Downtownn – this unexpected gem is tucked away near the Convention Center in Warehouse District, an up-and-coming neighborhood of art galleries and museums.  Marriott jazzes up its menu with local cuisine (gumbo, jambalaya), and the health-conscious traveler can keep it light with fish and salads. My favorites were the bouillabaisse (fish stew) and wintergreen salad with blackberries.  One rainy afternoon, the lobby featured an “action station” where chefs put their twist on hot buttered shrimp over grits with a cocktail called a “blonde hurricane”! New Orleans in New York City! RickCamera2Sue “Dr. Sue” Horowitz (Vocalist)  & Rick Bogart (Clarinet/Musical Director)  Perform Jazz Standards, Romantic  Songs & Funny Parodies Broadway Thai Restaurant  241 West 51st Street (btwn Broadway-8th Ave) NYC Saturday/Sunday Nights  (212) 226-4565, No Cover. Rick is from New Orleans, so enjoy a taste of Dixie in NYC! A Bientot (See you soon)! Creative Living: Visit New Orleans – or live a your own version of its life style by eating fabulous food and celebrating your culture and heritage! Festivate! – it’s a fantasy word – but just like wearing a mask, sometimes it’s fun to play with fantasy.  (You can always remove the mask, ditch the glitter, and return – refreshed – to the daily grind – especially if it’s New Orleans chicory coffee!) (Photos by Jay Berman)

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos  
Dr. Sue Logo

Dr. Sue Entertaining Host JCT Variety Show Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue: Performing Host/Interviewer
 JCT Awards Dr. Sue Horowitz "Entertainer of the Year 2013"

JCT Awards
Dr. Sue Horowitz
“Entertainer of the Year 2013”

JCT Multi-Media Awards Dr. Sue “Entertainer of the Year 2013”
Where to go to catch a show?  Beat the heat, drink and eat?   Air-conditioning  on full blast – so chill out – enjoy the cast:  Funny Comics who can talk, Models struttin’ the catwalk   Dancers with and without  shoes – Singers and fun Interviews   Tangos, Tappers, Actors, Rappers, Broadway ballads, Caesar salads  Entertainment – a full menu – dinner – drinks – you’ll love our venue! The JCT Variety Show (August 2013) was tons of fun!  The talent was definitely varied and entertaining:  “The Amazing Amy” Yoga-Contortionist-Dancer (who demonstrated flexibility at any age) ; Fabielle – a handsome model (who showed me how to catwalk); a teen dancer(who tapped her way through a Beatles song ); an actress (with a monologue about a hamburger flipper); a model/singer (who warbled “Sistah” from The Color Purple)  to Miss Asia – an R&B  singer. I hosted the show and sang my original songs “Dare to Believe” “Celebrate Your Life” and “Yo Te Amo (I Love You)” . After the performances, I did  a group interview of show biz kids with their parents (including Producer Poppa T.)  All agreed that  being in show business is intense, demanding work that takes patience and persistance – plus (from the parents) a willingness to chauffeur their talented offspring to auditions, invest finances and time (and handle the jealousy of siblings who may be too young for the biz – or just not interested).  A bad stage parent pushes the child past his/her own needs and interests to satisfy what is really an adult agenda.  A good stage parent and mentor knows when to step back – to avoid making a performer feel pressured – and when to step forward to encourage, teach, and protect – and to know the difference between the child’s interests – and the parent’s own needs. All this is a mental health ideal – and it’s not so easy to draw the line – especially when a child is gifted.  What we call “genius” is a combination of unusual talent, hard work, and determination. Where would young Wolfgang Mozart have been without pushy poppa Leopold?  What about young Michael Jackson and driver dad Joe Jackson? More peaceful? Perhaps.  Less productive? Probably. Whatever your talent or taste, there’s something for everyone at JCT”s variety show.  The audience gets free entertainment, delicious food and drink. If you’re an aspiring star, this is your chance to be seen! “Success Awaits Us!” Creative Living
  • Live your dream – and your talent – you don’t know if you’re hot till you give it a shot!
  • If you’re pushing your child or significant other(s) to achieve – make sure it’s their dream – not yours.
  • Enjoy good entertainment good food -and do what you love!
(Editor/Photographer Jay Berman)

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos  
Dr. Sue Logo

Dr. Sue Cabaret Convention 2012 Positive Entertainment

Cabaret Convention 2012

Cabaret Convention 2012

The New York City 2012 Cabaret Convention, a celebration of song standards and divine divas rocks the rafters of the Rose Room at Lincoln Center October 17, 18, and 19 from 6-9pm. This annual showcase of Broadway and bistro talent makes audiences sing, “You’re the tops!”  – a fitting tribute to Cole Porter and other creators of the Great Popular Songbook. This year’s fest fetes the late Donald F. Smith (“The King of Cabaret”) former Executive Director of the Mabel Mercer Foundation.  Stepping in Smith’s shoes (transformed into high-heeled pumps) is the ever-elegant KT Sullivan, newly appointed Artistic Director and Singing Host of the Gala Opening Night (Wednesday, October 18), who presents the Julie Wilson Award to newcomer Shana Farr and Noel Coward Award to Jeff Harnar, with performances by Emily Bergl, Barbara Carroll, Tony DeSare, Ms. Farr, Lauren Fox, Gregory Generet,Edward Hibbert, Valerie Lemon, Amanda McBroom, Mark Nadler, Catherine Russell,Ms. Sullivan, and Amra-Faye Wright (starring as Velma Kelly in Chicago The Musical on Broadway). On Thursday, October 18th: Salute to Cole Porter (Smith’s favorite composer/lyricist) will be hosted by Andrea Marcovicci and Jeff Harnar, with performances by the Co-hosts, plus Karen Akers, Anna Bergman, Ann Hampton Callaway, Clint Holmes, Marilyn Maye, Maude Maggart, Colleen McHugh, Todd Murray, T. Oliver Reid, Steve Ross, Jennifer Sheehan, Daryl Sherman, and Billy Stritch. On Friday, October 19th: Thanks for the Memory is hosted by Klea Blackhurst (who will be awarded the Donald F. Smith Award) and includes the presentation of the annual Mabel Mercer Award to Christine Andreas, with performances by the honorees, and Carole J. Bufford, Jim Caruso, Natalie Douglas, Nicolas King, Karen Mason, Beckie Menzie & Tom Michael, Sidney Myer, Lee Roy Reams, and Craig Rubano. For more info and ticket orders, go to Jazz At Lincoln Center’s Rose Theatre box office (Broadway at 60th Street) online at www.jalc.org or call The Mabel Mercer Foundation at (212) 980-3026.    Come to the Cabaret! (Editor: Jay Berman)
Sue Mimosa

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367 Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net  www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos