Dr. Sue & Teddly Sing “Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands, Stay Apart, Show You Care” Creativity in Quarantine

Teddly, my Teddy Bear Puppet, loves entertainment and being with friends (Just like me)! But during the current corona crisis, live entertainment is not happening, and in-person socializing is limited. Friends are often hard to reach, and it’s easy to feel isolated, bored, and lonely.
I needed a way to stay active and connected to a community. I needed to communicate what I am doing, thinking, and feeling. I needed to create, share, and get a response.
I started spending a lot of time on the Internet – especially on Social Media and YouTube. I posted comments, photos, videos, songs, humor, and stories about my life. Facebook friends liked, commented, and began to feel like “real” friends. I also needed a sense of purpose – to feel that I was making a contribution. I created two Facebook groups: New York Strong and Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment – where members can comment and post their own images and videos – and I can do it too. I like costumes and props, so I looked around my home to see what was available.

That’s when I thought about Teddly – a bear puppet stuck in a box in my closet. It was time to come out of the closet – and think out of the box! Teddly began showing up in my Zoom meetings and Social Media photos!
When I needed a haircut (after four months of self-quarantine), Teddly helped me get the message across. I posted a photo of Teddly on my Facebook page with the caption: “Should I cut my own hair? Should I trust Teddly bear with scissors?”
To my surprise, I got loads of likes, comments, and advice – including a reference to Robin Baxter, a talented hairdresser in midtown. She turned out to be clean, convenient, courteous, talented and reasonable!
Teddly also began responding to the news with photos plus humorous comments and short poems. When President Trump promoted Goya Foods in the Oval Office, Teddly posed with a can of beans.
One of today’s most important (and controversial) issues is wearing masks – to protect yourself and others against the novel Coronavirus. The most recent medical studies (cited in The New York Times, July 28, 2020) offers strong evidence that masks offer protection against spreading the virus and becoming infected.
I wanted to convey the importance of wearing a mask, washing your hands, and keeping social distance. But I didn’t want to lecture people and provoke conflict. Puppets are a fun, non-threatening way to communicate, with special appeal to children – and the young-at-heart. I decided to write an original song, sing it with my Teddly Bear puppet, and put the video on YouTube!
Dr. Sue & Teddly Sing:
“Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands, Stay Apart, Show You Care” copyright Dr. Sue
“Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands, Stay Apart, Show You Care” by Dr. Sue
I’m so glad you ask why I wear a mask
It’s so important to do
In case you got germs, I don’t wanna get ’em
And if I got germs, I don’t wanna spread ’em
I’m so glad you ask… thank you for wearing a mask!Oh please understand, and please wash your hands
It’s so important to do
We all should keep clean ’cause a germ, well it lingers
So wash up like me, though bears don’t have fingers
Oh please understand…thank you for washing your hands.You might be a person, you might be a bear
Do it to show that you care….I’m staying apart, you’re here in my heart
I’ll still be your Teddly Bear
It’s hard to be smart and keep my resistance
I’m keeping my words- I’m keeping my distance
I’ll show that I care…thank you from your Teddly Bear.Contact Dr. Sue for Shows, Lesson Plans, and Videos:
Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/drsuecomedianContact Dr. Sue with Ideas about How to Grow the Dr. Sue and Teddly Show!

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator
Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller)
“Rainbow To Oz” A Modern Musical! RainbowToOz.com www.rainbowtooz.com