PROGRAMS Susan Horowitz Motivational Speaker, Entertainer, Author – Dr. Sue
Susan Horowitz, Motivational Speaker, Author : Motion Federal Credit Union Bank!
Goals-Obstacles-Achieve-Leadership - Success!
Optional Workshops and Breakout Sessions!
SECRETS OF SUCCESS: Queens of Comedy
CELEBRATE DIVERSITY: Backgrounds, Talents, Learning Styles, Beliefs!
ENTERTAINMENT: Singing, Piano, Optional Puppet
PROGRAMS Susan Horowitz Motivational Speaker, Entertainer, Author – Dr. Sue
Susan Horowitz, Motivational Speaker, Author, Educator: Atlantic Cape College!
PROGRAMS Susan Horowitz Motivational Speaker, Entertainer, Author – Dr. Sue
Breakout Sessions
Diversity in Backgrounds, Communication & Learning Styles can be a source of strength – if we turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
“QUEENS (and Kings) of COMEDY”
Success secrets from Dr. Sue’s Book: Queens of Comedy –
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)
Dr. Sue’s personal interviews with Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller,
Whoopi Goldberg, Dolly Parton etc.)- how megastars turn obstacles into opportunities!
Plus – MultiMedia Series with Videos: Kings & Queens of Comedy
“LAUGH AT, LIVE WITH, & LOVE YOURSELF”: Humor and Wellness
Positive humor, Laughter and Good Health. Dr. Sue’s S.H.A.K.E.
(Stress – Humor – Attitude/Action – Keep Going – Enjoy) recipe makes your heart smart,
your brain gain, and your liver quiver!
Create better outcomes and reduce conflict with effective communication, clear goals,
and Dr. Sue’s results-oriented C.P.A. formula for personal Accountability. Reduce stress with Time Management and Anger Management. Turn Failure into Success! Handouts and Team/Partner Exercises.
ENTERTAINMENT: Uplifting Songs or Standards with Optional Piano and Comedy!
SPEECH WRITING & COACHING: Special Events, Business Presentations
“Dr. Sue, You were a pleasure to work with!…I especially appreciated how you could take all of the “unspoken” intricacies a MOH speech and turn it into a beautiful, moving moment.” – Doreen Fogel (Client)
“The Genius of Jewish Comedy”: Entertaining Talk/Comedy/Songs
Why are there so many Jews in comedy? What makes humor Jewish or universal?
Why does Dr. Sue sing “If I Was a Rich Goil”? Dive into the Chicken Soup – Have a Matzoh Ball!
Kings & Queens of Jewish Comedy: MultiMedia Series with Videos
Singing Services (Hebrew/English) for Sabbath and Holidays
Jewish Singers & Songwriters
Jewish Women on Broadway & Vaudeville!
Original Songs
(Uplifting, Romantic, and Funny)
plus Pop & Broadway Standards and Parodies.
Programs are customized for your Special Occasion!
Singles Workshops: “Break the Ice & Melt Their Hearts, Humor Attracts Romance, How to be Happy & Single”
History of Comedy: Entertaining, Multimedia Series with PowerPoint and Videos
“Columbus & the Caribbean”: PowerPoint Talk with Songs
“Pirates on Stage, Screen, Song & Sea”: PowerPoint Talk with Songs
“Dr. Horowitz is a dynamic, motivational speaker, who truly empowers
— Dr. Judith Jaye, Ambassador: Sourth Africa
her audience! She not only speaks with energy and passion, but sings with
sparkle and warmth.”
“Dr. Susan Horowitz has a burning passion to empower, educate, and entertain her audience.
— Dr. Emmanuel Lantin, Ambassador: France
By means of songs, a clear flow of ideas and her enthusiastic personality she is able to reach and inspire
her audience and change lives!”
“Let us hand in hand make the betterment of the world. Let us start working together for empowering women.”
– Sri Hadiah Watie, Ambassador: Indonesia
“I am happy to note that I had the opportunity of meeting you in person and sharing your
— Chief Ebenezer Isokrari, Ambassador: Nigeria
passion for motivating people. I look forward to inviting you to Abuja-Nigeria.”
“Your outstanding keynote speech: “Celebrate Diversity” was highly motivational, educationally sound, and entertaining… Your breakout session with your G.O.A.L.S. program was a hit.
— John David, Faculty President Stark State College
You really listened to your audience and geared your presentation to our concerns.”
“You are an energetic, charismatic speaker who demonstrates a high level of preparedness,
– Avon L. Chapman: Director, Atlantic Cape Community College
resourcefulness and mastery of the topic.”
RSVP: Please Email Using Form Below
Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.
Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)
“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical
Dr. Sue YouTube Channel