Tag Archives: Song

Dr. Sue Sings her original song about Winter 2020, Covid-19 and Vaccine plus Shakespearean Hat Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Sings her original song about Winter 2020, Covid-19 and Vaccine plus Shakespearean Hat Positive Entertainment

Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz, Ph.D. invites you to a Singing, Shakespearean Virtual Art/Song Tour for Winter 2020 – a challenging time, with loss and uncertainty. We need modern medical science, care, compassion, and the beauty of art, music, and nature. More than ever, we need the hope for spring!

I hope you enjoy my Shakespearean style hat with a white winter feather!

I also hope your enjoy my drawing and original song about a new vaccine and a winter crocus.

I’d love to hear from you. (You can use the Contact Form on this Website.)

Scroll down for artworks, drawing, and printed lyric.

Dr. Sue Sings her original song “A New Vaccine… A Winter Crocus”

My virtual background is a beautiful impressionist painting by John Henry Twachtman, American Impressionist.

Here is the original painting, which was kindly sent to me by Diane Maglaque, Director of Street Art Museum Tours. Painting is from The National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. Web: streetartmuseumtours.com

“Winter Harmony” by John Henry Twatchtman, National Gallery of Art, 1890

Below is my drawing of early crocuses in a mix of earth and snow.

The crocus is usually an early Spring flower, but sometimes it blooms when there is still snow on the ground. You may notice that the colors of the crocus (purple, green, and gold) are like those of Mardi Gras – a holiday that arrives as winter turns to spring!

(Scroll down for complete song lyric – and a suprise Hanukkah painting!)

 “A Winter Crocus”  
 They all ask me if I’m ready to take a new vaccine
 Going first and going early - not my scene
 Can my frozen hopes have power?
 Doesn’t frost kill every flower?
 How can winter snows turn purple, gold, and green?
 How can winter snows turn purple, gold, and green?
 Well I feel a bit unsteady, they all know what I mean
 Got the jitters like I drank too much caffeine 
 So I ask a frosty crocus
 "What’s your secret hocus pocus? 
 How can winter snows turn purple, gold, and green?
 How can winter snows turn purple, gold, and green?"
 And that cool courageous crocus says, 
 “I’ll tell you just one thing
 All my roots and leaves still believe in spring
 May my blossoms make you bold
 And cheer you when you're cold 
 May your winter snows turn purple, green, and gold.
 May your winter snows turn purple, green, and gold."

Words & Music by Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz, copyright 2020
Music Available on Request

Enjoy my original Hanukkah painting: “Maidle the Dreidle”!

Maidle the Dreidle
Maidle the Dreidle -a Happy Holiday Painting, Song, Story and Game by Susan Horowitz PhD (‘Dr. Sue”) copyright 2020
Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical www.switchthemusical.com

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Teddly Bear Puppet

Dr. Sue & Teddly “Wear a Mask, Show You Care” Positive Entertainment

“Wear a Mask, Show You Care” Original Song-Video by Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz, Ph.D.) Entertaining Speaker-Educator-Author

Enjoy “Wear a Mask Show You Care” Song Video by Dr. Sue
(Scroll down for Lyrics)

"Wear a Mask, Show You Care" 

I'm so glad you ask why I wear a mask
It's so important to do
If someone's got germs, I don't wanna get'em
And if I got germs, I don't wanna spread'em
I'm so glad you ask. Thank you for wearing a mask

Oh please understand, and please wash your hands
It's so important to do
We all should keep clean 'cause a germ, well it lingers
So wash up your hands and don't forget fingers
Oh please understand, Thank you for washing your hands

Oh show me you love me like my Teddly bear
Do it to show that you care

We're staying apart, you're here in my heart
You know you'll always be there
It's hard to be smart and keep my resistance
I'm keeping my word and keeping my distance
I'll show that I care. Thank you for showing you care. 

copyright 2020 Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz
Written Music is Available on Request
Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz is available as an 
Entertaining, Motivational Speaker, Educator, Singer-Songwriter, 
and Teaching Artist. Please Use Contact Form on Website
Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical www.switchthemusical.com

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Orange Boa Trump Cabaret Comedy

Dr. Sue: “Come to the Orange Boa Bunker-Boy Trump Cabaret” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue: “Come to the Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret
Positive Entertainment

Here in solo quarantine due to Covid-19, life can be lonely and boring. Let’s face it, human beings need to share food, drinks…and show tunes!

All the theaters and cabaret venues in New York City are closed. There’s no stage, no scenery, no colored lights, no live audience – and worst of all – no cute waiters.

What’s a cabaret girl (or boy) to do? We still want to connect – and we need to stay creative. We need life purpose, we need human company, we need the arts, we need… “Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret”!

Some of us live-stream; some of us zoom; some of us youtube, and some of us social media. Some online friends become ongoing friends – who comfort and cheer us through these dark days and nights – minus the bright light lights of Broadway and mini-lights of cabaret. This show is for you.

I call it my Home-Style Comedy Cabaret. It’s not as filling as home-fries, but on the bright side – I won’t have to burn calories at my gym – which is still closed 🙂

By the way, this show is called “Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret” – so if you don’t like political comedy – or orange feather boas – and you do like the orange-themed POTUS – don’t watch my video!

But if you do, here we go-a with my boa!

What good is siting alone in your bunk?
Come to where rainbows play
With orange hair you’ll be quite a hunk
Come to Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret!

Dr. Sue sings “Come to the Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret”

Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/drsuecomedian

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical www.switchthemusical.com

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Poppa T Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue: Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show Positive Entertainment

Welcome to the Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show! 

Pop is Poppa Tee, Producer/Owner of JCT TV and Multimedia www.jctmagazine.com   I am Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz, PhD) We are co-hosting the “Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show” Our mission is to offer Positive Entertainment, and Empowering Advice and Health Tips to Help you Create the Life You Want! We are both in voluntary self-quarantined to support the stay home – stay safe policy. That’s why we are doing a radio call in show. Here are a few key points:

  1. Focus on what you can give and believe in your own resources and talents.  
  2. Your resources can be monetary – you can donate to charity
  3. Your resources can be your skills, talents, or connection to others
  4. When you give to others, you not only help them, you empower yourself
  5. Creativity is a tremendous resource! 
  6. You can share your own creativity
  7. You can also support the creativity of others
  8. Connect to others – even if you need to keep social distance. 
  9. Make a phone call to friends, family or neighbors.
  10. If you cannot call, you can Email, text, or use a phone app.
  11. You can send photos or short videos or links to something they will enjoy.
  12. We all need social connection – in person or any other way!

Please let us know how you’re doing! Visit: Facebook: New York Strong  We’ll be back with more shows, and more tips! Here are two videos: JCT Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show and Dr. Sue YouTube Channel  Here’s the Pop n Dr. Sue Show! Here’s Dr. Sue YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/drsuecomedian  with my free, uplifting original song: “We’re In This Together”

Dr. Sue We're In This Together

Dr. Sue Sings “We’re In This Together” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue sings her original song “We’re In This Together”

I created my song “We’re In This Together”

to share my belief that we are all part of one human family.

I hope my song lifts your spirit and gives you the feeling

that you are not alone, and that we all matter.

If we stand together, share resources,

and act with caring and community responsibility,

we shall overcome the COVID-19 – Coronavirus – pandemic – and future challenges (which will surely come).

We all need to stand together as one human family.

Songs can reach our minds, touch our hearts, and uplift our spirits.

I hope you enjoy my original song “We’re In This Together”  copyright April 2, 2020 Susan Horowitz (Words and Music)

Dr. Sue Sings “We’re In This Together”

Dr. Sue Women Of Substance

Dr. Sue Sings “Slow As Honey” on WOS Radio Positive Entertainment

Sue Red Curtain Microphone1WOS (Women of Substance) Radio is featuring my original, romantic song “Slow As Honey”!

It’s part of WOS Valentine Podcast Series.

My date is February, 15, 3pm EST.

I’m very grateful to WOS Radio for offering this wonderful opportunity to songwriters, singers, and fans of high-quality, positive music!

My Podcast Episode #580 – Wed. February 15, 3pm


WOS Radio has also featured my other original songs:

“The Heroes of Nine-Eleven” (A Celebration of Courage)

“Happy Hanu-Krismas” (Interfaith Holiday Song)

Here is a link to my CD “For Heroes and Lovers” https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/drsue2

Scroll down to click on “Slow As Honey”

(Photo of Dr. Sue by Glen Charlow, American Popular Song Society)

WOS Love SongsWomen of Substance“Slow As Honey”

Words and Music

by Susan Horowitz


copyright 2016


Have a loving Valentine’s Day!

Dr. Sue Horowitz

Dr. Sue Horowitz

“Empowering Entertainment!”

– Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D. 

SssWitch!” – an Anti-Bullying, Empowering  Musical! www.ssswitch.net

CD: “For Heroes and Lovers”: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/drsue2

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (interviews with Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, etc.) http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367

Published Plays: “Judy Maccabee”: a Comedy with a Girl Hero!

“Poe-tic Justice” A Naughty Thriller!

Susan Horowitz: Facebook (Susan.Horowitz1) , Linked In, Twitter @drsue6




Dr. Sue Logo

Dr. Sue Funny Thanksgiving Song! Positive Entertainment

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D. sings her original, funny song “Life Is Just a Bowl of Gravy” A Turkey meets a Pilgrim who invites her for dinner! Please Like, Share & Subscribe to my YouTube Channel! Scroll Down for Lyric. LIFE IS JUST A BOWL OF GRAVY © 2019 Susan Horowitz This is a tale of a turkey bird who went to a turkey trot When anyone asked her “Will you dance?” She answered “I will not. I’ll only dance with a gentleman who makes our country great If he’s got money, I’ll call him my honey, and he will be my date.” Life is just a bowl of gravy – sometimes so surprising Life is just a bowl of gravy – and very appetizing! Suddenly somebody stepped on in who came from Pilgrim stock He said, “I’ll be candid, I have just landed nearby on Plymouth Rock I got money and power, I sail the Mayflower and you look mighty fine Please do not stall, my sweet butterball, and come with me to dine.” Life is just a bowl of gravy – sometimes so surprising Life is just a bowl of gravy – and very appetizing! They went to a fabulous restaurant, she was his dinner date When they got there, the table was bare except for an empty plate The rest of the story is terribly gory – her ending won’t appeal Fine dining is finer when you’re the diner, but not when you’re the meal! Life is just a bowl of gravy – sometimes so surprising Life is just a bowl of gravy – and very appetizing!


Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367

Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net

 www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos  

Dr. Sue Logo

Dr. Sue Sings Funny Song “My Significant Other Is Plants!” Positive Entertainment

significantDr. Sue Sings her Original Funny Song: “My Significant Other Is Plants!”


Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367

Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net

 www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos  

Dr. Sue Hanu-Krismas

Dr. Sue “Happy Hanu-Krismas!” Holiday Song Positive Entertainment


“Happy Hanu-Krismas!”

An Interfaith, Multi-Cultural Holiday Song/Video

by Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz, Ph.D. (copyright 2015)

“Happy Hanu-Krismas!” Celebrates Diversity!


“There’s all kind of people, why make a fuss?

Happy Kwanzaa and Eid, Happy Hanu-Krismas!

Feliz Navidad, Happy Hanu-Krismas!”


Click on Video for Holiday Song/Video “Happy Hanu-Krismas”

An original, witty, warm celebration of diversity!


Dr. Sue Horowitz’ original comedy “JUDY MACCABEE” won a national children’s playwriting contest!

“JUDY MACCABEE” is a merry mashup of Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, and the Hanukkah story!

Dr. Sue’s mission is to create empowering entertainment!

Sue MimosaSusan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz,Ph.D. www.drsue.com

CD “Keys of Love” www.cdbaby.com/drsue

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (interviews with Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, etc.) http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367

“Sss…Witch!” – a Magical, Motivational Musical! www.ssswitch.net

Join Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz) on Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter!

Dr. Sue Sings Funny Thanksgiving Song! Positive Entertainment

Pumpkin SueHope you enjoy Me and My Pumpkin.

One of us weighs over 600 pounds.

(It’s a plus-sized version of “Me and My Shadow”)

Click below for my original Thanksgiving song –

“The Turkey Trot”

It’s an a mash-up of Thanksgiving, Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood.

A turkey attends a ball hoping to meet a prince with buckles on his shoes.

She meets a pilgrim who invites her on a dinner date….

Moral: be careful about making romantic choices based on shoes.

Dr. Sue’s mission is to create empowering entertainment!

Sue MimosaBlog by Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz,Ph.D.  www.drsue.com 

CD “Keys of Love”  www.cdbaby.com/drsue

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (interviews with Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, etc.) http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367

“Sss…Witch!” – a Magical Musical! https://drsue.com/?page_id=7325

Join Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz) on Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter!