Dr. Sue Sings her original song about Winter 2020, Covid-19 and Vaccine plus Shakespearean Hat Positive Entertainment
Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz, Ph.D. invites you to a Singing, Shakespearean Virtual Art/Song Tour for Winter 2020 – a challenging time, with loss and uncertainty. We need modern medical science, care, compassion, and the beauty of art, music, and nature. More than ever, we need the hope for spring!
I hope you enjoy my Shakespearean style hat with a white winter feather!
I also hope your enjoy my drawing and original song about a new vaccine and a winter crocus.
I’d love to hear from you. (You can use the Contact Form on this Website.)
Scroll down for artworks, drawing, and printed lyric.
Dr. Sue Sings her original song “A New Vaccine… A Winter Crocus”
My virtual background is a beautiful impressionist painting by John Henry Twachtman, American Impressionist.
Here is the original painting, which was kindly sent to me by Diane Maglaque, Director of Street Art Museum Tours. Painting is from The National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. Web: streetartmuseumtours.com

Below is my drawing of early crocuses in a mix of earth and snow.
The crocus is usually an early Spring flower, but sometimes it blooms when there is still snow on the ground. You may notice that the colors of the crocus (purple, green, and gold) are like those of Mardi Gras – a holiday that arrives as winter turns to spring!
(Scroll down for complete song lyric – and a suprise Hanukkah painting!)

“A Winter Crocus” They all ask me if I’m ready to take a new vaccine Going first and going early - not my scene Can my frozen hopes have power? Doesn’t frost kill every flower? How can winter snows turn purple, gold, and green? How can winter snows turn purple, gold, and green? Well I feel a bit unsteady, they all know what I mean Got the jitters like I drank too much caffeine So I ask a frosty crocus "What’s your secret hocus pocus? How can winter snows turn purple, gold, and green? How can winter snows turn purple, gold, and green?" And that cool courageous crocus says, “I’ll tell you just one thing All my roots and leaves still believe in spring May my blossoms make you bold And cheer you when you're cold May your winter snows turn purple, green, and gold. May your winter snows turn purple, green, and gold." Words & Music by Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz, copyright 2020 Music Available on Request
Enjoy my original Hanukkah painting: “Maidle the Dreidle”!

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator
Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller)
“Rainbow To Oz” A Modern Musical! RainbowToOz.com www.rainbowtooz.com