Category Archives: Coronavirus

Dr. Sue Teddly Bear Puppet

Dr. Sue & Teddly “Wear a Mask, Show You Care” Positive Entertainment

“Wear a Mask, Show You Care” Original Song-Video by Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz, Ph.D.) Entertaining Speaker-Educator-Author

Enjoy “Wear a Mask Show You Care” Song Video by Dr. Sue
(Scroll down for Lyrics)

"Wear a Mask, Show You Care" 

I'm so glad you ask why I wear a mask
It's so important to do
If someone's got germs, I don't wanna get'em
And if I got germs, I don't wanna spread'em
I'm so glad you ask. Thank you for wearing a mask

Oh please understand, and please wash your hands
It's so important to do
We all should keep clean 'cause a germ, well it lingers
So wash up your hands and don't forget fingers
Oh please understand, Thank you for washing your hands

Oh show me you love me like my Teddly bear
Do it to show that you care

We're staying apart, you're here in my heart
You know you'll always be there
It's hard to be smart and keep my resistance
I'm keeping my word and keeping my distance
I'll show that I care. Thank you for showing you care. 

copyright 2020 Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz
Written Music is Available on Request
Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz is available as an 
Entertaining, Motivational Speaker, Educator, Singer-Songwriter, 
and Teaching Artist. Please Use Contact Form on Website
Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue & Teddly Puppet sing “Wear a Mask,” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue & Teddly Sing “Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands, Stay Apart, Show You Care” Creativity in Quarantine

Dr. Sue Teddly Puppet Wear a Mask
Dr. Sue Teddly Puppet Wear a Mask

Teddly, my Teddy Bear Puppet, loves entertainment and being with friends (Just like me)! But during the current corona crisis, live entertainment is not happening, and in-person socializing is limited. Friends are often hard to reach, and it’s easy to feel isolated, bored, and lonely.

I needed a way to stay active and connected to a community. I needed to communicate what I am doing, thinking, and feeling. I needed to create, share, and get a response.

I started spending a lot of time on the Internet – especially on Social Media and YouTube. I posted comments, photos, videos, songs, humor, and stories about my life. Facebook friends liked, commented, and began to feel like “real” friends. I also needed a sense of purpose – to feel that I was making a contribution. I created two Facebook groups: New York Strong and Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment – where members can comment and post their own images and videos – and I can do it too. I like costumes and props, so I looked around my home to see what was available.

That’s when I thought about Teddly – a bear puppet stuck in a box in my closet. It was time to come out of the closet – and think out of the box! Teddly began showing up in my Zoom meetings and Social Media photos!

When I needed a haircut (after four months of self-quarantine), Teddly helped me get the message across. I posted a photo of Teddly on my Facebook page with the caption: “Should I cut my own hair? Should I trust Teddly bear with scissors?”

To my surprise, I got loads of likes, comments, and advice – including a reference to Robin Baxter, a talented hairdresser in midtown. She turned out to be clean, convenient, courteous, talented and reasonable!

Teddly also began responding to the news with photos plus humorous comments and short poems. When President Trump promoted Goya Foods in the Oval Office, Teddly posed with a can of beans.

One of today’s most important (and controversial) issues is wearing masks – to protect yourself and others against the novel Coronavirus. The most recent medical studies (cited in The New York Times, July 28, 2020) offers strong evidence that masks offer protection against spreading the virus and becoming infected.

I wanted to convey the importance of wearing a mask, washing your hands, and keeping social distance. But I didn’t want to lecture people and provoke conflict. Puppets are a fun, non-threatening way to communicate, with special appeal to children – and the young-at-heart. I decided to write an original song, sing it with my Teddly Bear puppet, and put the video on YouTube!

Dr. Sue & Teddly Sing:
“Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands, Stay Apart, Show You Care” copyright Dr. Sue

“Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands, Stay Apart, Show You Care” by Dr. Sue

I’m so glad you ask why I wear a mask
It’s so important to do
In case you got germs, I don’t wanna get ’em
And if I got germs, I don’t wanna spread ’em
I’m so glad you ask… thank you for wearing a mask!

Oh please understand, and please wash your hands
It’s so important to do
We all should keep clean ’cause a germ, well it lingers
So wash up like me, though bears don’t have fingers
Oh please understand…thank you for washing your hands.

You might be a person, you might be a bear
Do it to show that you care….

I’m staying apart, you’re here in my heart
I’ll still be your Teddly Bear
It’s hard to be smart and keep my resistance
I’m keeping my words- I’m keeping my distance
I’ll show that I care…thank you from your Teddly Bear.

Contact Dr. Sue for Shows, Lesson Plans, and Videos:
Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel

Contact Dr. Sue with Ideas about How to Grow the Dr. Sue and Teddly Show!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Guard Hamilton

Dr. Sue “Mrs. Hamilton the Musical” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue’s Funny Review “Mrs. Hamilton the Musical”

“Hamilton the Musical” is a lot of laughs…after the show! I streamed the mega-hit, mega-bucks Broadway show on my computer. Due to the pandemic, Broadway is closed for live entertainment, but “Hamilton” now streams online – if you subscribe to Disney +.

I am in voluntary self-quarantine, so I spend most of my time at home with my computer – or going for morning, solo walks in my New York City park – where I became friendly with the Brookfield Place Security Guard. I always wear a mask indoors, but when I’m outdoors for my early morning, uncrowded walks, I’m less cautious. The Guard is more available before the daytime crowd arrives. We stay six apart and enjoy lively conversations, updating each other on our lives – with encouragement and humor.

The morning after I watched “Hamilton” I encountered my new friend, the Guard. He had not seen the show on Broadway or online, so I summarized the story – with my own comic twist – and here it is!

Hamilton (a US Founding Father), a.k.a. “Mr. Ham” is the lead role. Mr. Ham, immigrates to the pre-USA, fights for independence, invents banking, flirts with his bride’s sister, insults people, and fathers a son – who gets into to a duel to defend his dad’s honor. Mr. Ham tells his son to shoot into the air – which gets him killed.

Mrs. Hamilton is really steamed – especially when Mr. Ham defends his financial honor to his enemies by pointing out that his suspicious check stubs were payments to the hubby of a local hottie for letting Ham and hottie do the nasty in the wife’s bed.

Mr. Ham gets into his own duel, shoots into the air, and gets himself killed.

The musical makes multi-millions – on stage and now…on screen.

The Security Guard and I plan to write a sequel called… “Mrs. Hamilton: I Married a Moron! “

In our version, Mrs. Ham gets the pistol and shoots Mr. Ham in his pee-pee.

She becomes a Founding Mother, and we become billionaires!

Our new, improved version has comedy and a happy ending! We expect it to be a success – on stage, screen and as a sitcom/reality show called… “I Married a Moron!” The married couple will be play by a celebrity wife and a famous US politico husband. Guess who!

We hope to spin-off the sitcom into dance-exercise videos – so you can social distance – and stay in shape! Here is a free sample!

Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue and Security Guard Dance-Exercise in the Park!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Orange Boa Trump Cabaret Comedy

Dr. Sue: “Come to the Orange Boa Bunker-Boy Trump Cabaret” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue: “Come to the Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret
Positive Entertainment

Here in solo quarantine due to Covid-19, life can be lonely and boring. Let’s face it, human beings need to share food, drinks…and show tunes!

All the theaters and cabaret venues in New York City are closed. There’s no stage, no scenery, no colored lights, no live audience – and worst of all – no cute waiters.

What’s a cabaret girl (or boy) to do? We still want to connect – and we need to stay creative. We need life purpose, we need human company, we need the arts, we need… “Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret”!

Some of us live-stream; some of us zoom; some of us youtube, and some of us social media. Some online friends become ongoing friends – who comfort and cheer us through these dark days and nights – minus the bright light lights of Broadway and mini-lights of cabaret. This show is for you.

I call it my Home-Style Comedy Cabaret. It’s not as filling as home-fries, but on the bright side – I won’t have to burn calories at my gym – which is still closed 🙂

By the way, this show is called “Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret” – so if you don’t like political comedy – or orange feather boas – and you do like the orange-themed POTUS – don’t watch my video!

But if you do, here we go-a with my boa!

What good is siting alone in your bunk?
Come to where rainbows play
With orange hair you’ll be quite a hunk
Come to Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret!

Dr. Sue sings “Come to the Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret”

Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Latina Singer

Dr. Sue Sings Diversity Song in NYC Park Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Sings “Cielito Lindo” Latin Diversity Song in NYC Park Positive Entertainment

New York City offers many pleasures. Some are public and exciting – like Broadway shows. Some are more personal and intimate – making new friends, crossing cultures, and sharing creativity!

Opportunities for Creative Connections are all around us- even in the epicenter of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. A great way to expand your cultural and personal horizons is to visit a city park!

Fortunately, I am able to take walks in my local park, where I often take photos and videos of flowers – and sometimes fish, ducks, and dogs!

I post my photos and videos on Social Media with short remarks and invite my online friends to comment – which they do! This gives a purpose to my walks and keeps me creatively active and connected – even while maintaining social distance.

Walking in the park near The Museum of Jewish Heritage, I encountered an Artist-Protester Elizabeth Abraham, who was displaying her personal creation – a “Black Lives Matter” picket sign-artwork she carries in protest marches. (My photo-video interview with Elizabeth is in another Blog Post.)

Elizabeth, who is considerate, artistic, adventurous, and good company, was looking for a friend – and so was I! She comes to my local park from her uptown apartment in Harlem. She uses the Access-A-Ride transportation service to come to my neighborhood park because she has a has a non-visible disability. Soon we started talking on the telephone to arrange ways to meet, socialize, and do activities together.

One day, Elizabeth told me that she was using Access-A-Ride to bring her 90-year-old family member to our park, and she invited me to meet her. Like Elizabeth, her family member, named Aida Marriott, is Puerto Rican. But unlike Elizabeth, Aida speaks only Spanish – no English – and she has Alzheimer’s Disease (with memory loss). But, said Elizabeth “She sings like a bird!”

This turned out to be true. Aida likes to sing – and so do I. As we were walking through the park, I started singing the Italian song “O Solo Mio” (mainly in English). Elizabeth complimented me on my singing. Encouraged by her support, I tried to think of a Spanish song. I remembered a lovely Mexican song called “Cielito Lindo” (Beautiful Little Sky). Soon Aida and I were singing together on a beautiful day in the park!

“Cielito Lindo” is simple, melodic, and easy-to-sing. Sometimes a simple song reaches beyond language barriers, memory loss, and cultural differences to connect as human beings… and open our hearts!

Here are the lyrics in Spanish – Scroll down for our video!

Cielito Lindo by Ana Gabriel

De la sierra, morena
Cielito lindo, vienen bajando
Un par de ojitos negros, cielito lindo
De contrabando

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Canta y no llores
Porque cantando se alegran
Cielito lindo, los corazones

By the way, Aida (who doesn’t speak English) removed her mask during our song. Elizabeth and I let it go. I said, “She’s 90-years-old. I’m not going to tell her what to do.”

Here is a Video of Our Singing Duet!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue West Point Comedy

Dr. Sue sings funny Covid-19 song! Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue sings funny West Point Covid-19 song! Positive Entertainment

Hi, I’m Dr. Sue.

Hope you enjoy my original funny song. It’s called : “Covid-19”

My song is based on real (not fake) news about President Trump giving an in-person commencement speech at West Point Academy.

The young cadets have been away since early March.
But now, they have to travel back and forth to West Point
– fifty miles from New York City – the epicenter of a pandemic!

Dr. Sue imagines herself as a young cadet who’s getting nervous… 🙂

Please Like, Comment, Share, and/or Subscribe to my Blog and/or YouTube Video! 
You’ll be notified when I post something new – and we can stay connected!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Poppa T Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue: Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show Positive Entertainment

Welcome to the Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show! 

Pop is Poppa Tee, Producer/Owner of JCT TV and Multimedia   I am Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz, PhD) We are co-hosting the “Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show” Our mission is to offer Positive Entertainment, and Empowering Advice and Health Tips to Help you Create the Life You Want! We are both in voluntary self-quarantined to support the stay home – stay safe policy. That’s why we are doing a radio call in show. Here are a few key points:

  1. Focus on what you can give and believe in your own resources and talents.  
  2. Your resources can be monetary – you can donate to charity
  3. Your resources can be your skills, talents, or connection to others
  4. When you give to others, you not only help them, you empower yourself
  5. Creativity is a tremendous resource! 
  6. You can share your own creativity
  7. You can also support the creativity of others
  8. Connect to others – even if you need to keep social distance. 
  9. Make a phone call to friends, family or neighbors.
  10. If you cannot call, you can Email, text, or use a phone app.
  11. You can send photos or short videos or links to something they will enjoy.
  12. We all need social connection – in person or any other way!

Please let us know how you’re doing! Visit: Facebook: New York Strong  We’ll be back with more shows, and more tips! Here are two videos: JCT Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show and Dr. Sue YouTube Channel  Here’s the Pop n Dr. Sue Show! Here’s Dr. Sue YouTube Channel:  with my free, uplifting original song: “We’re In This Together”

Dr. Sue Ten Commandments

Dr. Sue Happy Passover, Easter & Spring Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Ten Commandments
Dr. Sue Ten Commandments

Happy Passover, Easter, Spring… and whatever you celebrate!

I hope this photograph makes you think of all we have in common:

We all need something to believe in.

We all need just laws that serve the greater good.

We all need sunshine  (above the 10 commandments in the photo)

We all need generosity – open arms and open heart.

We all need to believe in Spring – symbolized by the green color of my dress and the flowers in my shawl.

We all need to feel part of a community.

When we cannot be physically close, when it’s not wise to physically touch, we can still feel close in many ways.

We can talk on the phone, we can connect on social media, we can send emails, and texts.

We can contact someone who would appreciate our reaching out.

We can give, and we can help… we can lift our own spirits – and the spirits of others.

We can forgive, we can give a kind word, a sincere compliment, and tangible gifts of money, food and supplies.

We can appreciate those who give so much more!

And no matter what you believe – we believe in you!

In case you need the gift of song and laughter, here’s my song:

Dr. Sue sings her original song “Matzoh Ball Romance”   

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Plastic Bag Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Health Tip Plastic Bags Gloves Positive Entertainment

Dr Sue shares Health Tips to Cope with Coronavirus No gloves? No problem!  Health Tip #1: Wear plastic bags! We all know it’s best to wear plastic gloves when we touch public surfaces. But what do you do when the stores don’t have them? Besides, gloves and masks (which are in short supply) should be reserved for health care providers and people on the front lines. What can you do? Get resourceful! Most of us have plastic bags lying around the house. Slip on the gloves when you go outside – before you touch buttons, door knobs, railings, revolving doors, money, etc. Are plastic bags as effective as surgical gloves? Do they replace social distance? Of course not. But they are certainly better than nothing. When you come home, take off your gloves and… Wash Your Hands! Health Tip #2: Don’t touch your face! Coronavirus (COVID-19) gets in through the mucous membranes. These are mainly located in the eyes, nose, and mouth – near your face. Touching your face is often an unconscious habit, so I put on a scrunchy, and tucked my hair under my cap. The cap reminds me: Don’t Touch Your Face. Health Tip #3: Self-Isolate and Social Distance I stay home most of the time and social distance when I go out. We all need to do this – for ourselves and our community. Stay Healthy – Stay NewYorkStrong !   Dr. Sue Shares Health Tip: Plastic Bags

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) Musical: “SssWitch”: