Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz, PhD, Entertaining Speaker
Keynote Talks with Breakout Sessions & Interactive Workshops

JOURNEY TO SUCCESS (G.O.A.L.S.) Goals (How to Set Them and Get Them), Overcoming Obstacles, Creating a Positive Attitude & Action Plan that leads to Accomplishment, Becoming an Effective Leader or Supporter, Service to Others.
“CELEBRATE DIVERSITY” – Keynote and Breakout Sessions Diversity in Backgrounds, Communication & Learning Styles can be a source of strength – if we turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
“SUCCESS SECRETS OF COMEDY LEGENDS” Based on Dr. Susan Horowitz Best-Selling Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Interviews with Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, Whoopi Goldberg, Dolly Parton etc.)- how megastars turn obstacles into opportunities!
“LAUGH AT, LIVE WITH and LOVE YOURSELF”: Entertaining talk/Comedy/Songs
Explore the link between positive humor, laughter and health. Dr. Sue’s S.H.A.K.E. (Stress – Humor – Attitude/Action – Keep Going – Enjoy) recipe makes your heart smart, your brain gain, and your liver quiver!
Create better outcomes and reduce conflict with effective communication, clear goals, and Dr. Sue’s results-oriented C.P.A. formula for personal Accountability. Reduce stress with Time Management and Anger Management. Turn Failure into Success! Handouts and Team/Partner Exercises.
Video: Dr. Sue Shares Success Secrets from her Interview with Dolly Parton
Special Events, Business Presentations “Dr. Sue, You were a pleasure to work with!…I especially appreciated how you could take all of the “unspoken” intricacies of my speech and turn it into a beautiful, moving moment.” – Doreen Fogel (Client)
JEWISH PROGRAMS “The Genius of Jewish Comedy”:
Entertaining Talk/Comedy/Songs Why are there so many Jews in comedy? What makes humor Jewish or universal? Why does Dr. Sue sing “If I Was a Rich Goil”? Dive into the Chicken Soup – Have a Matzoh Ball!
Kings & Queens of Jewish Comedy Series
Singing Services (Hebrew/English) for Sabbath and Holidays
Jewish Singers & SongwritersJewish Women on Broadway & Vaudeville!
Singles Workshops:
“Break the Ice & Melt Their Hearts, Humor Attracts Romance, How to be Happy & Single”
History of Comedy: Entertaining, Multimedia Series with PowerPoint and Videos
“Columbus & the Caribbean”: PowerPoint Talk with Songs
“Pirates on Stage, Screen, Song & Sea”: PowerPoint Talk with Songs Video: Dr. Sue’s Program “Celebrate Diversity in the Classroom, Workplace, and Beyond”
Client/Audience Comments:
“Dr. Horowitz is a dynamic, motivational speaker, who truly empowers her audience! She not only speaks with energy and passion, but sings with sparkle and warmth.” — Dr. Judith Jaye, Ambassador: Sourth Africa “Dr. Susan Horowitz has a burning passion to empower, educate, and entertain her audience. By means of songs, a clear flow of ideas and her enthusiastic personality she is able to reach and inspire her audience and change lives!” — Dr. Emmanuel Lantin, Ambassador: France “Let us hand in hand make the betterment of the world. Let us start working together for empowering women.” – Sri Hadiah Watie, Ambassador: Indonesia “I am happy to note that I had the opportunity of meeting you in person and sharing your passion for motivating people. I look forward to inviting you to Abuja-Nigeria.” — Chief Ebenezer Isokrari, Ambassador: Nigeria “Your outstanding keynote speech: “Celebrate Diversity” was highly motivational, educationally sound, and entertaining… Your breakout session with your G.O.A.L.S. program was a hit. You really listened to your audience and geared your presentation to our concerns.” — John David, Faculty President Stark State College “You are an energetic, charismatic speaker who demonstrates a high level of preparedness, resourcefulness and mastery of the topic.” – Avon L. Chapman: Director, Atlantic Cape Community College
Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel
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Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator
Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller)
“Rainbow To Oz” A Modern Musical!