Category Archives: Health Advice

Be Your True Self – Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment

Be Your True Self – Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment

I recently posted my latest YouTube video about my original musical “SssWitch”

The video story-song includes two songs from “SssWitch” I share some of the story and a brief explanation of the themes and ideas. In my explanation, I say, “Being yourself is True Magic.”

Dr. Sue Sings “SssWitch” songs, tells story, and gives positive advice!

I always invite comments on my YouTube videos, and this time I got one that really touched and inspired me. I’d like to share the comment – with my reaction.

“Yes being yourself is True Magic. So many people living lives of lies… It’s nothing like experiencing the magic of living your truth. That’s what you do Dr. Sue. 💕” –

– source is private (until I receive permission to share)

I was touched to read a comment that showed that the viewer really paid attention and understood what I was trying to say. “SssWitch” is a fantasy musical – a modern twist on Cinderella, with entertaining elements like a funny Witch. It’s also about real human issues – especially the challenge of living an authentic life based on your true feelings and talents.

Sometimes our true feelings are about gender, sexuality, or relationships (past or present). Sometimes our true feelings are about religion or family values – how we were raised and what we really believe and want. Sometimes our true feelings involve telling a friend, relative, co-worker or boss how we really feel.

Sharing our true feelings can be hard, and we sometimes pick and choose what to say and how to say it. But if we don’t share our personal truth with someone we want to be close to, then we can’t have intimacy. (I’ll talk more about this when we get to another song from “SssWitch” called “Won’t You Let Me Love You?”)

My viewer also said,

“So many people living lives of lies… It’s nothing like experiencing the magic of living your truth.That’s what you do Dr. Sue. 💕” –

“Living lives of lies” is unfulfilling and frustrating. It also damages our self-esteem. If we hide our true feelings, then no matter how much external success we may have, we alway know that we are not being valued for our true selves – only for the false mask that we put on to please someone else – someone or something that we imagine as all-powerful and much more important that we are.

I hope that this Blog will offer some helpful ways to look at our lives – plus some entertainment. Just like a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, we can become our beautiful, true selves!

SssWitch Logo
SssWitch Logo

Learning to Love Yourself is the True Magic!

Please write to me by posting comments on my Blog or YouTube video Channel:

Here’s my YouTube Channel:

Here is the link to my SssWitch Video:

Here is Positive Advice for Your Day!

The real Magic is Transforming Your Life! – SssWitch!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Poppa T Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue: Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show Positive Entertainment

Welcome to the Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show! 

Pop is Poppa Tee, Producer/Owner of JCT TV and Multimedia   I am Dr. Sue (Susan Horowitz, PhD) We are co-hosting the “Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show” Our mission is to offer Positive Entertainment, and Empowering Advice and Health Tips to Help you Create the Life You Want! We are both in voluntary self-quarantined to support the stay home – stay safe policy. That’s why we are doing a radio call in show. Here are a few key points:

  1. Focus on what you can give and believe in your own resources and talents.  
  2. Your resources can be monetary – you can donate to charity
  3. Your resources can be your skills, talents, or connection to others
  4. When you give to others, you not only help them, you empower yourself
  5. Creativity is a tremendous resource! 
  6. You can share your own creativity
  7. You can also support the creativity of others
  8. Connect to others – even if you need to keep social distance. 
  9. Make a phone call to friends, family or neighbors.
  10. If you cannot call, you can Email, text, or use a phone app.
  11. You can send photos or short videos or links to something they will enjoy.
  12. We all need social connection – in person or any other way!

Please let us know how you’re doing! Visit: Facebook: New York Strong  We’ll be back with more shows, and more tips! Here are two videos: JCT Pop ‘n Dr. Sue Show and Dr. Sue YouTube Channel  Here’s the Pop n Dr. Sue Show! Here’s Dr. Sue YouTube Channel:  with my free, uplifting original song: “We’re In This Together”

Dr. Sue Ten Commandments

Dr. Sue Happy Passover, Easter & Spring Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Ten Commandments
Dr. Sue Ten Commandments

Happy Passover, Easter, Spring… and whatever you celebrate!

I hope this photograph makes you think of all we have in common:

We all need something to believe in.

We all need just laws that serve the greater good.

We all need sunshine  (above the 10 commandments in the photo)

We all need generosity – open arms and open heart.

We all need to believe in Spring – symbolized by the green color of my dress and the flowers in my shawl.

We all need to feel part of a community.

When we cannot be physically close, when it’s not wise to physically touch, we can still feel close in many ways.

We can talk on the phone, we can connect on social media, we can send emails, and texts.

We can contact someone who would appreciate our reaching out.

We can give, and we can help… we can lift our own spirits – and the spirits of others.

We can forgive, we can give a kind word, a sincere compliment, and tangible gifts of money, food and supplies.

We can appreciate those who give so much more!

And no matter what you believe – we believe in you!

In case you need the gift of song and laughter, here’s my song:

Dr. Sue sings her original song “Matzoh Ball Romance”   

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Plastic Bag Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Health Tip Plastic Bags Gloves Positive Entertainment

Dr Sue shares Health Tips to Cope with Coronavirus No gloves? No problem!  Health Tip #1: Wear plastic bags! We all know it’s best to wear plastic gloves when we touch public surfaces. But what do you do when the stores don’t have them? Besides, gloves and masks (which are in short supply) should be reserved for health care providers and people on the front lines. What can you do? Get resourceful! Most of us have plastic bags lying around the house. Slip on the gloves when you go outside – before you touch buttons, door knobs, railings, revolving doors, money, etc. Are plastic bags as effective as surgical gloves? Do they replace social distance? Of course not. But they are certainly better than nothing. When you come home, take off your gloves and… Wash Your Hands! Health Tip #2: Don’t touch your face! Coronavirus (COVID-19) gets in through the mucous membranes. These are mainly located in the eyes, nose, and mouth – near your face. Touching your face is often an unconscious habit, so I put on a scrunchy, and tucked my hair under my cap. The cap reminds me: Don’t Touch Your Face. Health Tip #3: Self-Isolate and Social Distance I stay home most of the time and social distance when I go out. We all need to do this – for ourselves and our community. Stay Healthy – Stay NewYorkStrong !   Dr. Sue Shares Health Tip: Plastic Bags

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) Musical: “SssWitch”: