Category Archives: Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment – Fun, Educational, Inspiring Songs, Humor, Books, and Advice for Positive Living!

Dr. Sue Solar Roses

Dr. Sue Solar Power Roses Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Solar Power Roses Positive Entertainment

A rose is a rose…except when it has a secret! This rose has a solar battery that absorbs power from the sun!

Actually, all roses (and other plants) are powered by the sun through a natural process known as photosynthesis – turning light energy into plant elements (including flowers, fruit, roots, stems, leaves, etc.)

When we eat the plant, we are indirectly absorbing the power of the sun!

This rose (not the decoration in my hair – the other one) is solar powered. Its battery takes in energy from sunlight all day long. When the sun sets, the hidden lights in the roses turn themselves on and begin to glow in the darkness.

Day Roses – Night Roses…Empowered by the Sun!

Natural Roses are beautiful – we love their colors, aroma, and variety – from wild roses to carefully cultivated hybrids. These solar-powered roses are a fusion of beauty and science that we can enjoy day and night!

Speaking of energy, what do we do with all that energy? One thing I like to do is take long walks and photograph flowers in my local park. On my walks, I encountered a Parks Department Security Guard. We fell into a conversation about our shared interest in flowers and how the park gardeners carefully plant and tend the different varieties so they form multi-colored arrangements that change through the seasons.

The Guard and I formed a friendship over our shared interest in flowers and we began to talk about social issues too – in a spirit of understanding and enjoying each other’s company. It felt particularly poignant because these days, due to the Coronavirus-19 and the need for social distancing, I spend most of my time at home alone. The park offers a chance for exercise, fresh air, sunshine, and sometimes – conversation.

One day, I decided to enhance the exercise potential of my walks and build up my arm muscles (along with my legs), so I started carrying water bottles. Each filled bottle weighs about two pounds. As I lift and swing my arms on my walk, I’m getting a good, full-body work out. What I still miss is dancing – especially with a good partner. All the dance clubs have been closed for months – and not likely to re-open soon. But it turns out that my new friend is … a dancer!

Water Bottle Weights are Free – Companionship and Dancing Joy are Priceless!

Dr. Sue Dance-Exercise in the Park!

Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz is available as an 
Entertaining, Motivational Speaker, Educator, Singer-Songwriter,
and Teaching Artist. Please Use Contact Form on Website
Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Orange Boa Trump Cabaret Comedy

Dr. Sue: “Come to the Orange Boa Bunker-Boy Trump Cabaret” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue: “Come to the Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret
Positive Entertainment

Here in solo quarantine due to Covid-19, life can be lonely and boring. Let’s face it, human beings need to share food, drinks…and show tunes!

All the theaters and cabaret venues in New York City are closed. There’s no stage, no scenery, no colored lights, no live audience – and worst of all – no cute waiters.

What’s a cabaret girl (or boy) to do? We still want to connect – and we need to stay creative. We need life purpose, we need human company, we need the arts, we need… “Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret”!

Some of us live-stream; some of us zoom; some of us youtube, and some of us social media. Some online friends become ongoing friends – who comfort and cheer us through these dark days and nights – minus the bright light lights of Broadway and mini-lights of cabaret. This show is for you.

I call it my Home-Style Comedy Cabaret. It’s not as filling as home-fries, but on the bright side – I won’t have to burn calories at my gym – which is still closed 🙂

By the way, this show is called “Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret” – so if you don’t like political comedy – or orange feather boas – and you do like the orange-themed POTUS – don’t watch my video!

But if you do, here we go-a with my boa!

What good is siting alone in your bunk?
Come to where rainbows play
With orange hair you’ll be quite a hunk
Come to Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret!

Dr. Sue sings “Come to the Orange Bunker-Boy Comedy Cabaret”

Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Latina Singer

Dr. Sue Sings Diversity Song in NYC Park Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Sings “Cielito Lindo” Latin Diversity Song in NYC Park Positive Entertainment

New York City offers many pleasures. Some are public and exciting – like Broadway shows. Some are more personal and intimate – making new friends, crossing cultures, and sharing creativity!

Opportunities for Creative Connections are all around us- even in the epicenter of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. A great way to expand your cultural and personal horizons is to visit a city park!

Fortunately, I am able to take walks in my local park, where I often take photos and videos of flowers – and sometimes fish, ducks, and dogs!

I post my photos and videos on Social Media with short remarks and invite my online friends to comment – which they do! This gives a purpose to my walks and keeps me creatively active and connected – even while maintaining social distance.

Walking in the park near The Museum of Jewish Heritage, I encountered an Artist-Protester Elizabeth Abraham, who was displaying her personal creation – a “Black Lives Matter” picket sign-artwork she carries in protest marches. (My photo-video interview with Elizabeth is in another Blog Post.)

Elizabeth, who is considerate, artistic, adventurous, and good company, was looking for a friend – and so was I! She comes to my local park from her uptown apartment in Harlem. She uses the Access-A-Ride transportation service to come to my neighborhood park because she has a has a non-visible disability. Soon we started talking on the telephone to arrange ways to meet, socialize, and do activities together.

One day, Elizabeth told me that she was using Access-A-Ride to bring her 90-year-old family member to our park, and she invited me to meet her. Like Elizabeth, her family member, named Aida Marriott, is Puerto Rican. But unlike Elizabeth, Aida speaks only Spanish – no English – and she has Alzheimer’s Disease (with memory loss). But, said Elizabeth “She sings like a bird!”

This turned out to be true. Aida likes to sing – and so do I. As we were walking through the park, I started singing the Italian song “O Solo Mio” (mainly in English). Elizabeth complimented me on my singing. Encouraged by her support, I tried to think of a Spanish song. I remembered a lovely Mexican song called “Cielito Lindo” (Beautiful Little Sky). Soon Aida and I were singing together on a beautiful day in the park!

“Cielito Lindo” is simple, melodic, and easy-to-sing. Sometimes a simple song reaches beyond language barriers, memory loss, and cultural differences to connect as human beings… and open our hearts!

Here are the lyrics in Spanish – Scroll down for our video!

Cielito Lindo by Ana Gabriel

De la sierra, morena
Cielito lindo, vienen bajando
Un par de ojitos negros, cielito lindo
De contrabando

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Canta y no llores
Porque cantando se alegran
Cielito lindo, los corazones

By the way, Aida (who doesn’t speak English) removed her mask during our song. Elizabeth and I let it go. I said, “She’s 90-years-old. I’m not going to tell her what to do.”

Here is a Video of Our Singing Duet!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel


Dr. Sue Interviews Artist-Protester Black Lives Matter Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Interviews Artist-Protester Black Lives Matter
Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Interviews Artist-Protester Elizabeth Abraham.

Ms. Abraham shares her artwork – a tall vertical sign, which she carries in protest marches in New York City.

The sign includes the letters “B L M” –
which stand for “Black Lives Matter.”
This popular, and sometimes controversial slogan
is often shouted in the streets.

Ms. Abraham asserts that we should fight racism – both here in mainland USA and in her native Puerto Rico. “Fight, fight, fight! But you don’t have to get physical, you can fight with intelligence.”

The other side of the sign shows a photograph of Reverend Martin Luther King.

Ms. Abraham quotes Reverend King, saying “We could have come in different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”

Other symbolic items on this combination picket sign and 3-Dimensional collage art include: the USA Flag in a heart-shape, eyeglasses, and the numbers 2020 – because that is the current year – a year of vast upheaval, a pandemic, and a global confrontation of injustice.

The sign is designed as a vertical rectangle on a stick so that it is portable and visible. Ms. Abraham can hold her sign high above the crowd and be seen by participants and media.

As you’ll see by my video interview, Ms. Abraham speaks clearly and passionately about the protests and the death of George Floyd, the latest, glaring example of systemic racism.

But despite the seriousness of the issues, Ms. Abraham is never hostile or argumentative. In fact, the entire interview took place in an atmosphere of cooperation and sincere, friendly communication.

Ms. Abraham started creating her artwork as a way to give herself a a creative outlet and sense of purpose during a pandemic in New York City, where we have spent much time confined to our homes. This is especially true for seniors like Ms. Abraham, who are at extra risk for Covid-19.

Many people, who are stuck at home feel bored, unhappy, lonely, and fearful. But Ms. Abraham finds a way to turn a negative situation into an opportunity for growth, creativity, and sharing.

I hope that you enjoy this video:

Dr. Sue Interviews Elizabeth Abraham, Artist-Protester.

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Captain's Hat Dr. Sue

Dr. Sue Original Funny Cuomosexual Song “Governor Cuomo, Donald Trump, Republican Cruise” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Original Funny Cuomosexual Song “Governor Cuomo Donald Trump Republican Cruise” Positive Entertainment

Dear Governor Cuomo, I notice that when your brother Chris was sick with Covid-19, he had a fever dream – and you were in it!

Well, you give me fever!

And last night I had this fever dream about you, the Republican National Convention, and Donald Trump!

I heard on the news that North Carolina does not want to host the convention, but Florida does!

Guess what’s in Florida?

Yes, Miami. When I think of Miami, I think of…Cruise Ships!

I think the Republicans should have their convention on a cruise ship. After all, most cruise ships sail under foreign flags and don’t pay US taxes – just like Donald Trump!

If Trump can cruise, why can’t I? So I wrote this song about our cruise –
just Andy, me… and the Republican National Convention!

Last night I had the strangest dream
– a feverish invention
I dreamed that I was on a cruise
The Republican National Convention!

Republicans held their Bibles
upside down at the buffet
They all got triple helpings –
and used the Bible as a tray!

They sat in crowded hot tubs,
which the virus did pollute
Trump joined in the action –
with no mask and no swimsuit!

His spray tan started melting, and his hair dye bleached his brain
Suddenly he saw me and yelled, “Get the anchor chain!”

They got the chain to lynch me, which is legal according to Republican Senator Paul
Then who show up in a speed boat? The Greatest Hero of Them All!”

– Parody Lyric by Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz –
inspired by the song “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream” (by Ed McCurdy)

Dear Governor Cuomo, you showed up just in time to rescue me!
Yes, I have a dream. And with your help and the help of all good-hearted people, we can rescue the American dream!

Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Plant Governor Cuomo

Dr. Sue Sings Original Funny Cuomosexual Plant Song Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Sings Original Funny Song “Governor Cuomo and My Plant” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue sings her original, funny song: “Governor Andrew Cuomo and Plants!”

Dr. Sue: “I recently saw a photograph of
Governor Andrew Cuomo
with a plant in the background.

I realized that Andrew and have a lot in common. As a matter of fact,
I have big plant in my living room.

I also feel that Governor Cuomo (the Love-Gov) can find true happiness in the arms of the right older woman – Me!

To stay safe from any possible contagion (except for love), I promise to wear gardening gloves!”

Here is my original funny love song video to Governor Cuomo – and my plant!

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy, Stay Safe
Keep Up Your Spirits, and… Keep Your Sense of Humor!

Dr. Sue’s YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue sings "Go Governor Cuomo!"

Dr. Sue sings her original song “Go Governor Cuomo!” Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue sings her original song “Go Governor Cuomo!”

Dr. Sue sings her original song
“Go Governor Como” –
Inspired by the Andrew Cuomo Fan Club!

Please watch my video
for positive entertainment…
and for good advice
that will keep us all safe!

Stay Healthy
Stay Happy
Stay Connected

Keep Up Your Spirits, and…
Keep Your Sense of Humor!

Dr. Sue sings her original song “Go Governor Cuomo!”
Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Stained Glass Roses by Dennis Lynch

Dr. Sue Roses, Bees and Myths Positive Entertainment

Stained Glass Roses by Dennis Lynch
Stained Glass Roses by Dennis Lynch

Roses and Bees….
The sizzling, summer sun bedazzles sapphire days
As nuzzling bees rub ruby lips of roses till they blaze
– by Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz

Language Fun:
How many times to you see the letter “z”?

How many times do you see the letter “s”
that sounds like “z”?

How many times do you hear the repeating sound “z”? 
It’s called “alliteration”.

How does the word “buzz” sound like the actual sound that a bee makes?

When a word sounds like its meaning,  It’s called “onomatopoeia”
The word “onomatopoeia” has a Greek origin.
Scroll down to learn more about Greek-Roman Myths and Poetry

Be a Picture-Word Detective
How are the poem- picture-video alike?  How are they different?

Cupid’s Dart is a witty poetic, musical play inspired by classical mythology and nature.

Cast: Solo Show or a 2-4 Person Cast.

You Can Be a Hero
(Theme Song for “Cupid’s Dart and “Myths at Play”)

Welcome to a magic world of myth and fantasy
Let your imagination set your spirit free
Ancient legends that are told anew
Times may change, but feelings still are are true 
You can be a hero if you believe…

Myths at Play by Dr. Sue

Cupid’s Dart is entertaining literate fun!
Witty poetry and lyrics, melodic,
uplifting music, singing, acting
and myth-inspired stories
with a modern twist
create a unique performance experience.

From ancient poetry to modern spacecraft, mythology continues to inspire us!

Metamorphoses, by the Roman poet Ovid, influenced Chaucer, Dante, Shakespeare, Shaw, choreographers, visual artists, and composers.

From the Apollo Theatre to the Apollo Space Program to Superhero comics, classical mythology is still part of our lives. My Fair Lady, One Touch of Venus, and Xanadu are musicals based on classical myths. Beauty and the Beast comes from the myth of Cupid and Psyche.

“Cupid’s Dart” can be expanded to include myths from many cultures and related to literature, nature science, and ecology.

Myths at Play illustrated poems, books, calendars, etc….. Dr. Sue partners with The Outreach for Breast Health Foundation by offering poetry from her Myths at Play series. The Outreach for Breast Health Foundation reduces mortality, suffering, and social costs of Breast Cancer. Services: free mammograms, clinical breast examinations and breast health education to women with little or no insurance coverage.

The Breast Health Foundation published Dr. Sue’s poem: “A Myth for May- The Jewels of Spring” in a sold-out book of poetry & photos. The book helped raise almost $20,000 at Design in Bloom Celebration.

“A Myth for May- The Jewels of Spring” by Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz

The sizzling, summer sun bedazzles sapphire days
As nuzzling bees rub ruby lips of roses till they blaze

Sweet Maia and great Ceres bless each blossom, grain, and vine
And spread the fragrant jewels of spring to welcome Proserpine

About the Myth… May is named for the Roman goddess Maia, mother of Mercury, who wears a winged cap and shoes. Pluto, Lord of Underworld and gems, kidnaps Proserpine, who is the daughter of Ceres, goddess of agriculture. Pluto tempts Proserpine with jewel-like seeds. He makes her Queen of the Underworld, but he allows her to return to her mother each spring. The joy of their reunion creates May flowers – the jewels of spring.

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    Dr. Sue West Point Comedy

    Dr. Sue sings funny Covid-19 song! Positive Entertainment

    Dr. Sue sings funny West Point Covid-19 song! Positive Entertainment

    Hi, I’m Dr. Sue.

    Hope you enjoy my original funny song. It’s called : “Covid-19”

    My song is based on real (not fake) news about President Trump giving an in-person commencement speech at West Point Academy.

    The young cadets have been away since early March.
    But now, they have to travel back and forth to West Point
    – fifty miles from New York City – the epicenter of a pandemic!

    Dr. Sue imagines herself as a young cadet who’s getting nervous… 🙂

    Please Like, Comment, Share, and/or Subscribe to my Blog and/or YouTube Video! 
    You’ll be notified when I post something new – and we can stay connected!

    Dr. Sue Logo

    Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
    Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

    Book: “Queens of Comedy”
    (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

    “SWitch!” Original Play & Musical

    Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

    Dr. Sue Duck Positive Entertainment / Education

    Dr. Sue “Here’s to Ducks” Positive Entertainment and Education

    Dr. Sue “Here’s to Ducks” Positive Entertainment and Education

    Dr. Sue, Entertaining Educator, says, “A Teacher is a Second Mother!”
    When you teach with love – in a language the child understands –
    the child (and everyone else ) wants to learn! This Blog post is geared toward communicating with young children, but the general ideas apply to all age groups.

    Dr. Sue Duck Positive Entertainment
    Dr. Sue Duck Positive Entertainment / Education

    The language of children is toys, so I use toy ducks to teach a simple lesson.

    One duck is floating in a glass, and another is hidden behind my hair.

    (Watch for the reveal in the video – a kind of peek-a-boo moment.)

    Teaching is a form of communication, and communication is a holistic experience that combines all the senses.

    I’m wearing soft, appealing colors that blend together (mainly the yellow of the duck and the soft blues and apricot in my scarf). The sun is coming through the window, and there’s a plant and a painting – so the room looks inviting – a place you may like to visit.

    You may also notice that I am smiling. My smile tells you that I like you, that I’m happy, that we are together, and that everything is okay.

    Two Ducks
    Two Ducks

    Here’s another picture!

    Can you see two things in this picture that are also in the first picture?

    If you said the duck and the scarf – you are right!

    How many ducks are in this picture?

    If you combine the ducks in this picture and the duck in the first picture, how many ducks do you see?

    If you said “three” – you are right!

    These questions are simple but they give you a chance to interact with the pictures and text – and to be right! That’s very important. Everyone (including children) wants to succeed! Give people a chance to succeed step-by-step, from easy to more difficult. If they make a mistake, give them a chance to correct their errors, improve their skills, and move on to the next level. After we master the easy tasks, we are ready to move on to more challenging ones.

    This learning principle applies not only to counting ducks, but to most learning – and many video games.

    Creating this Website Blog involved learning many skills. At first it seemed overwhelming, but with the guidance of my excellent Web Developer/Coach, I learned to do many things I never thought I could!

    There’s a stereotype that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. But I am what you call an “older person” and I’m here to tell you that learning is a life-long process.

    Now it’s time for the video.

    As you listen to the video, you’ll notice that I combine speaking with classical music in the background. That’s two senses – visual and auditory (listening) words and music.
    And don’t forget your sense of humor – my Duck has a name: “Quack!”

    Children – and most people on the Internet – have a short attention span. This video is 22 seconds long – but it’s packed with information!

    In only 22 seconds, you learn all these things

    • You learn my name: I’m “Dr. Sue”
    • You learn my brand: “Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment”
    • You learn what to expect from my brand: a positive experience, probably with humor and a chance to learn something.
    • You learn to interact with the video.
      You can look for repeating content in different images! You can count the ducks!
      You’re invited to make comments in the Blog and the YouTube Video!
      These interactions are simple – but simple interactions are how I learned to creae this Blog – with text, photos, a video, my logo with text and links – plus some hidden categories and tags that will help you find me on the internet.
    • You learn to give your viewer, audience, and students a way to interact and succeed!
      A successful interaction is more interesting and engaging than a passive experience.
    • You learn that are treated with caring and respect. That is my commitment to you!

    Are you ready to watch my video?
    It’s only 22 seconds long – so watch it as many times as you like!
    How many ducks can you see? Watch the whole video to count my earring!
    Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment presents…”Here’s to Ducks!”


    Please Like, Comment, Share, and/or Subscribe to my Blog and/or YouTube Video! You’ll be notified when I post something new – and we can stay connected!