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Dr. Sue Interviews Artist-Protester Black Lives Matter Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Interviews Artist-Protester Black Lives Matter
Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Interviews Artist-Protester Elizabeth Abraham.

Ms. Abraham shares her artwork – a tall vertical sign, which she carries in protest marches in New York City.

The sign includes the letters “B L M” –
which stand for “Black Lives Matter.”
This popular, and sometimes controversial slogan
is often shouted in the streets.

Ms. Abraham asserts that we should fight racism – both here in mainland USA and in her native Puerto Rico. “Fight, fight, fight! But you don’t have to get physical, you can fight with intelligence.”

The other side of the sign shows a photograph of Reverend Martin Luther King.

Ms. Abraham quotes Reverend King, saying “We could have come in different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”

Other symbolic items on this combination picket sign and 3-Dimensional collage art include: the USA Flag in a heart-shape, eyeglasses, and the numbers 2020 – because that is the current year – a year of vast upheaval, a pandemic, and a global confrontation of injustice.

The sign is designed as a vertical rectangle on a stick so that it is portable and visible. Ms. Abraham can hold her sign high above the crowd and be seen by participants and media.

As you’ll see by my video interview, Ms. Abraham speaks clearly and passionately about the protests and the death of George Floyd, the latest, glaring example of systemic racism.

But despite the seriousness of the issues, Ms. Abraham is never hostile or argumentative. In fact, the entire interview took place in an atmosphere of cooperation and sincere, friendly communication.

Ms. Abraham started creating her artwork as a way to give herself a a creative outlet and sense of purpose during a pandemic in New York City, where we have spent much time confined to our homes. This is especially true for seniors like Ms. Abraham, who are at extra risk for Covid-19.

Many people, who are stuck at home feel bored, unhappy, lonely, and fearful. But Ms. Abraham finds a way to turn a negative situation into an opportunity for growth, creativity, and sharing.

I hope that you enjoy this video:

Dr. Sue Interviews Elizabeth Abraham, Artist-Protester.

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Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical RainbowToOz.com www.rainbowtooz.com


Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

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Dr. Sue Liquid BioCell for Joints and Skin Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue & Health Coach Tony Pajunen

Dr. Sue & Health Coach Tony Pajunen

Active Joints, Amazing Skin! That’s the promise of Liquid BioCell – an all-natural, multi-patented, award-winning nutritional supplement called Liquid BioCell. How does Liquid BioCell work? Our bodies are made up of 70% water – it’s in our joints, skin, bones, eyes, gums – every tissue of our bodies.  As we age, we lose water (that’s why dehydration is a health risk – especially for the elderly).  Our skin wrinkles and sags, and we dry up like prunes! Wait, there’s more!  Our joints lose collagen (the cushion between the bones) so our bones begin to rub directly against each other with no cushion, creating painful arthritis (inflammation of the joints) – and the next thing you know, you’re headed for surgery (knee replacement? hip replacement?) – risky, painful procedures that don’t always work! What about our bones?  They’re getting stiff, brittle, porous and prone to fracture. One bad fall, and there you are, lying in a nursing home bed, getting weaker as your muscles atrophy, and losing your eyesight due to macular degeneration. Meanwhile, your gums are shrinking, and your teeth are falling out! (That’s no good – unless you’re a Jack O’Lantern!) You may have noticed that Tony and I look cheerful. He’s a youngster of 31, but I’m on the far side of fifty – so I’m very interested in staying healthy and leading a full, active life!  That’s why I was curious about Liquid BioCell – skeptical, but curious.  Here’s what I learned. Liquid BioCell is a multi-patented, award-winning collagen matrix that has passed 37 clinical trials and is recommended by  orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, and nutritionists.  In 2015, it won several awards for best bone and joint health supplement, and was featured on several USA national news programs. According to its Ivy League educated, scientific leadership team, Liquid BioCell works through a patented formula of “hyaluronic acid” and collagen, which begin to decline in our bodies after the age of 25. This formula penetrates and hydrates the molecules of our bodies far beyond what simple water or any topical skin cream can accomplish. And unlike plastic surgery (which cuts and pulls aging skin – with no health benefit) Liquid BioCell promises to generate healthier, younger skin from the inside out in about 3-4 months – with no risk. I don’t claim to understand all the science, but the clinical studies, personal stories, and before-and-after photos are impressive! Some people have severe health issues and experience dramatic recovery (like the man who could not lift his arm and is now water skiing, or  the former ballerina, who can dance again,  or  the 92 year old woman who has had several falls – without breaking bones). Even if you’re fortunate enough to enjoy good health, I do believe that preventing problems is more effective and far easier than trying to cure them. I’m a practical person, and here’s how I see it. If Liquid BioCell doesn’t work, then I’ll stop taking it – no harm done. If it does work, then I’m on a road to great health, an active life style, and looking great!  And who doesn’t want that? Video: Dr. Sue Invites You! Active Joints, Amazing Skin!   Video by Saat-Sue Multi-Media


Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.

Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367

Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net

 www.YouTube.com/drsuecomedian https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos