Category Archives: Queens of Comedy

DrSue Passover Comedy

DrSue Passover Comedy

DrSue Passover Comedy

Dr. Sue Singer-Songwriter-Comedian-Puppeteer!

Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz Sings her funny original song: “Matzo Ball Romance” Teddly Bear Puppet plays Matzo Box Tambourine!

(Positive Humor & Songs)

Susan Horowitz is a Speaker and Author of “Queens of Comedy” (Interviews with Comedy Legends: Lucille Ball, Joan Rivers, Carol Burnett, Phyllis Diller)!

Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz Sings Funny Original Passover Song “Matzo Ball Romance”

Susan “Dr. Sue” Horowitz Sings Funny Original Passover Song “Matzo Ball Romance”

DrSue Passover Comedy! Here’s the link to DrSue performance of “Matzoh Ball Romance” at the legendary @Don’t Tell Mama Cabaret in New York City! (“Matzo” and “matzoh” are alternative spellings.)

Please scroll down for lyrics and Dr. Sue’s Contact information!

Dr. Sue Sings “Matzoh Ball Romance”

Dr. Sue Sings “Matzoh Ball Romance” @ Don’t Tell Mama Cabaret

Dr. Sue Sings “Matzoh Ball Romance”
"Matzo Ball Romance"  by Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz 
I was sittin' at a seder 
In a temple of worship 
When a cute guy sat right next to me 
He said, "I am single, and I am a doctor 
I have an Ivy degree."  

My Mama said, "Girl, meet a man at a temple 
It's better than a barroom or dance. 
Don't keep your heart locked or 
Miss out on a doctor 
A beautiful Matzo Ball Romance."  

I was lookin' at my cell phone  
When I saw a text message 
From my romance so kosher and nice 
He said, "I am lonely, visit my office 
I'll give you a discounted price."  

My Mama said, "Girl, when you go to a temple 
Keep your eye out for someone in pants." 
Don't know what to call it: 
His eye on my wallet 
Not a beautiful Matzo Ball Romance." 

Yeah, I went back to the temple. 
He saw me but he ran away  (Like a chicken)  
So I looked 'round the room I made a new friend.  
There's something that I'd like to say:   

"Fellas and girls, when you go to a temple 
Don't be afraid, take a chance 
Some folks are chicken 
But true friends are rib-stickin' 
Like a beautiful Matzo Ball Romance. 

Music and Lyrics 
by  Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz 
copyright 2022

Enjoy “Songwriting Sisters” Dr. Sue’s Solo Show of Songs & Comedy

Enjoy “Switch the Musical” Show and Story Concert by Dr. Sue
“Switch the Musical”:

Enjoy “Queens of Comedy” & More Books by Susan Horowitz

“Queens of Comedy” by Susan Horowitz (Dr. Sue)

Contact Form on this Website:

Or E-mail: drsue at drsue dot com

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

DrSue New Word Sustainable Chile

DrSue New Word Sustainable Chile Wine, Food, Travel Entertainment Brooklyn Grange Farm

DrSue New Word Sustainable Chile

DrSue New Word Sustainable Chile Wine, Food, Travel, Environment Education, Fun!

DrSue New Word and Sustainable Chile share Wine, Food and the Joy of International Travel at Brooklyn Grange Farm – a rooftop garden in Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York City! Scroll down to enjoy 1 Minute Song-Video with Magical Sunset Views of Manhattan! Find Susan Horowitz (DrSue) on Instagram @horowitz30

We wend our way through the wine stations – a journey through the gorgeous geography of Chile , a south-western Latin-American country, bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains – and through time. Chilean wines (originally from in Spain) have a five-hundred year old tradition – and blend handcraft and modern technology. Wine varieties that became extinct in Europe still grow in Chile (85% certified sustainable) and are exported internationally.

Christophe Desplas, Trade Commissioner of Chile, and Dr. Sue say “Salud” (Health) as we toast Sustainable Chile!

Other treats include empanadas (Latin-American stuffed pastries) and desserts from Dulceria, a Harlem-based Bakery-Wine Bar and En Boga Magazine

We also played a Chilean game of tossing a wine cork into boxes (I got one out of three), and fun photo ops with Chilean style sombreros (hats)! We all felt safe and healthy due to mandated proof of vaccination in New York State. (I have the app for NYS Covid-19 Vaccination proof on my cell phone for easy access.)

Learn more about DrSue New Word Entertaining, Educational Program

Enjoy 1 Minute Video DrSue New Word Sustainable Chile

Here’s the Lyric to Dr. Sue’s Original Song: “Love is Sweet As Wine”

"Love is Sweet as Wine" Original Song by Susan Horowitz
"...The moonlight shines like chardonnay
And seems to glisten in your eyes
And our reflections in the glass hypnotize...

Oh my love, hear me call
Let yourself fall
Bedazzled and dizzy 
The feeling's divine
Love is Sweet as Wine,  Sweet as Wine" 

To hear the entire song (Words and Music) 
Contact Dr. Sue on Instagram @horowitz30 
or: drsue at drsue dot com

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

My Zoom Opinion: To Say or Not? Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment

My Zoom Opinion: To Say or Not? Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment: (How I Got Kicked Out of Zoom Class)

This Blog Post needs my short personal bio, so here goes. I’ve been an English/Theater Professor/Writer for over thirty years. (I stopped teaching about the time the pandemic hit in early 2020.) I have close relationships with some of my former students and a connection with my former college. I also have opinions.

Anyone who wants to keep a job (as I certainly did) knows that you sometimes
swim in shark-infested waters. You learn to keep some of your opinions to yourself – especially in group meetings. This is especially true if you don’t have job security (which in academia means tenure).

But if you never say what you truly feel, your calculated, tactful silence tends
to chip away at your self-esteem. Over time, those little bits of your true self get lost. Instead of the smart, vibrant, outspoken, fully alive person you used to be, you wind up as a weak, sad, timid ghost.

As any English/Theater Teacher, Actor, Theater Pro, or Amateur Nerd knows, the subject of ghosts brings us to… William Shakespeare! My main go-to ghost is Hamlet’s dead dad – Hamlet Senior, who gets the action (and non-action) into high gear. 

Prince Hamlet, the hero of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, has a spooky, but motivational conversation with King Hamlet (the ghost). Ghost Hamlet tells Live Hamlet that his Uncle Claudius, the dead king’s brother, murdered him, married his widow (Queen Gertrude –Hamlet’s mom), and is now King of Denmark. Ghost Hamlet tells Hamlet to seek Revenge!  Our hero Hamlet immediately… thinks about it!

What does this have to do with my getting kicked out of Zoom Class?

Like me, Hamlet talks to people (ghosts) who aren’t physically there. In my case, it’s Zoom Chats (the sidebars on Zoom classes and meetings where you type your thoughts to people who are somewhere in cyberspace. After Zoom, they vanish, like ghosts).

In Shakespeare’s play, old King Hamlet’s Ghost issues a call to action: kill your uncle!  Hamlet decides that  Ghost is right, and he should kill King Claudius – but on the other hand…. What if the ghost is wrong – or a fake ghost ? Instead of springing into action, Hamlet springs into depression. People think he’s mad (and maybe he is – or not). After several murders and suicides (Hamlet’s girlfriend, her father, her brother, Hamlet’s friends, his mother, Claudius, and, finally, Hamlet himself), the stage is littered with bodies, and the show is over.  Denmark has a new King, and I’m ready for a coffee break (preferably with a Danish pastry because Shakespearean tragedy gives me an appetite).

How did a Shakespeare semi-scholar (me) get kicked out of Zoom class?  

My Zoom class was not actually about Shakespeare, it was a series about musical theater, which tends to be less tragic (except for investors when the show closes on opening night).  Our Teacher showed video clips from Broadway shows, led discussions in the Chat feature (where we post comments), and called himself an “Expert”. I didn’t bother looking up his academic credentials or affiliation, because I didn’t care. I already have a Ph.D. in Theater, so I don’t need academic credit. I was interested in the subject matter and what seemed to be an entertaining, informative experience. As long as I was enjoying the class, I didn’t need to know his professional history. I paid for an “All-Access Pass” which gave me full admission to his series of Zoom classes and videos. (Scroll down for my own Video –  wearing my Shakespeare Hat and talking to Teddly Bear Puppet).

So there we were, several classes into the series, watching video clips and posting comments in the Chat.  Most of the comments were posted to “Everyone” – which means everyone can read them.  The other option is “Private” – which means only you and your chosen Zoom attendee reads your post. The “Expert” controlled the Chat. I usually posted supportive comments, but if I disagreed, I said so briefly without negative personal remarks. 

I never posted political comments until… Cabaret.  The musical Cabaret is set in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power. The in-cabaret performances echo the real-world events happening off-stage – including the growing threat of the anti-Semitic, violent Nazi regime.  During the class, the teacher said that the Nazi idea of the German “folk” (ancient Germanic tribes) excluded all non-Aryans (like Jews). 

TrumpI thought there was a parallel between the myth of the German “folk” and the Trumpian idea of the United States as an Anglo-Saxon country. (The Anglo-Saxons were Germanic tribes.)

I started posting a brief comment in the Chat about “Trump notion of the USA as an Anglo…” Then I accidentally pushed “Enter” which posted my half-sentence.

Before I could continue, the Teacher cut me off, and announced to “Everyone” in the Chat that if I posted political comments, I would be thrown out of class!

At first I thought: is this a mistake? He can’t mean me! Throw me out of class for one, brief remark?  In my long career as an educator, students have said and done much more shocking things! I don’t throw them out of class. I usually ask to speak with them privately so we can solve the problem without a public confrontation.  When this Zoom teacher threatened me and posted it to “Everyone” in the Chat, I felt embarrassed and attacked.  I did not want to escalate the situation, so I didn’t post anything in reply.   After a while, the class was over, with the Teacher soliciting and getting compliments about his class from some of my fellow students.

After class, I felt conflicted. Saying nothing would avoid immediate conflict. But keeping silent made me feel powerless and depressed.  Why should this Zoom “expert” feel enttitled to embarrass me in front to the class – and for what – one half-sentence of a political opinion that he did not want to hear?

I decided to write an E-Mail to the Teacher and CC my E-mail it to his “Staff “– which probably meant his Assistant. Based on his class behavior, I figured that he might distort what actually happened.  If I CC’d his Assistant, who seemed reasonable, she would have my written record. I also figured that since the Assistant was an African-American woman, she was more likely to understand my feelings than the White, male teacher.  Here is my E-mail to the Teacher – CC’d to the Assistant.

Queens of Comedy by Susan Horowitz

Dr. Sue Queens of Comedy Book by Susan Horowitz Funny Women Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue “Queens of Comedy” Book by Susan Horowitz Funny Women Positive Entertainment

“Queens of Comedy” – Book by Susan Horowitz (Dr. Sue) – is based on her personal interviews with Comedy Legends Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Phyllis Diller, Joan Rivers, Dolly Parton, Whoopi Goldberg and More – Plus a Witty History of Funny Women!

Hard Cover or Paperback Signed by Susan Horowitz (Author,
Entertaining Speaker) E-Mail: drsue at drsue dot com. (Or use Contact Form on Website) Also on Amazon (and More) for more money and no author’s signature.

Queens of Comedy by Susan Horowitz
“Queens of Comedy” Book by Susan Horowitz
"Queens of Comedy" - Book by Susan Horowitz
“Queens of Comedy” – Book by Susan Horowitz

Buy from Amazon (Paperback, Hardcover, and Kindle)

Buy from Smashwords (Digital) Smashwords

A Perfect Gift for Holidays or Any Time! Ideal for Courses in Women’s Studies and Popular Entertainment!

Dr. Sue’s Entertaining Talk – Diversity & Dolly Parton!

Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel

Dr. Sue Sings Funny Thanksgiving Song

Dr. Sue Sings Funny Original Thanksgiving Song! Positive Entertainment

Dr. Sue Sings Original Funny Song about Voting & Thanksgiving Turkey!
Positive Entertainment

Every Thanksgiving, I give thanks that I am not a turkey!

This popular holiday celebrates the arrival (and survival) of European immigrants on the North American continent with a Thanksgiving feast. Virginia and Massachusetts boast about hosting the first Thanksgiving. You don’t hear as much from the Native Americans, who were already here. Turkeys are prominently featured on most American Thanksgiving tables and greatly admired – but they are not available for comment.

Why not? What wisdom can we glean from the fate of turkeys? Surely we should learn something after hundreds of years… or at least four years after the 2016 election!

If you think that someone who looks rich and claims to be a “real American” because his ancestors got here a few generations ago, will Make America Great for You, consider the fate of the foolish turkey…who gets plucked!

Enjoy my Song Video “Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy!”
Scroll down for song lyrics.

"Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy"

This is a tale of a turkey bird who went to a turkey trot
When anyone asked her "Will you dance?" She answered, "I will not" 
I'll only dance with a gentleman who makes my country great
If he's got money I'll call him my honey, and he will be my date.

Life is just a bowl of gravy - saucy and surprising
Life is just a bowl of gravy - and very appetizing! 

Suddenly somebody stepped on in who came from pilgrim stock
He said "I'll be candid, my boat has just landed nearby on Plymouth Rock
I sail the Mayflower and I got the power and you look mighty fine
Please do not stall my sweet Butterball and come with me to dine

Life is just a bowl of gravy - saucy and surprising
Life is just a bowl of gravy - and very appetizing! 

They went to a fabulous restaurant, she was his dinner date
But when they got there, the table was bare except for an empty plate
The rest of the story is terribly gory - her fate we still recall
If you didn't get here by the Mayflower dear
We're in the same boat - so get out and Vote!
And dance at your own Turkey Ball! 

Life is just a bowl of gravy - saucy and surprising
Life is just a bowl of gravy - and very appetizing! 

Copyright 2020 Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz (Words and Music)
Written Music is Available on Request
Susan "Dr. Sue" Horowitz is available as an 
Entertaining, Motivational Speaker, Educator, Singer-Songwriter,
and Teaching Artist. Please Use Contact Form on Website
Dr. Sue Logo

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Entertaining Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator-Singer/Songwriter.

Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, and more!)

“Rainbow To Oz” The Musical

Dr. Sue YouTube Channel