Be Your True Self – Dr. Sue Positive Entertainment

I recently posted my latest YouTube video about my original musical “SssWitch”
The video story-song includes two songs from “SssWitch” I share some of the story and a brief explanation of the themes and ideas. In my explanation, I say, “Being yourself is True Magic.”
I always invite comments on my YouTube videos, and this time I got one that really touched and inspired me. I’d like to share the comment – with my reaction.
“Yes being yourself is True Magic. So many people living lives of lies… It’s nothing like experiencing the magic of living your truth. That’s what you do Dr. Sue. 💕” –
– source is private (until I receive permission to share)
I was touched to read a comment that showed that the viewer really paid attention and understood what I was trying to say. “SssWitch” is a fantasy musical – a modern twist on Cinderella, with entertaining elements like a funny Witch. It’s also about real human issues – especially the challenge of living an authentic life based on your true feelings and talents.
Sometimes our true feelings are about gender, sexuality, or relationships (past or present). Sometimes our true feelings are about religion or family values – how we were raised and what we really believe and want. Sometimes our true feelings involve telling a friend, relative, co-worker or boss how we really feel.
Sharing our true feelings can be hard, and we sometimes pick and choose what to say and how to say it. But if we don’t share our personal truth with someone we want to be close to, then we can’t have intimacy. (I’ll talk more about this when we get to another song from “SssWitch” called “Won’t You Let Me Love You?”)
My viewer also said,
“So many people living lives of lies… It’s nothing like experiencing the magic of living your truth.That’s what you do Dr. Sue. 💕” –
“Living lives of lies” is unfulfilling and frustrating. It also damages our self-esteem. If we hide our true feelings, then no matter how much external success we may have, we alway know that we are not being valued for our true selves – only for the false mask that we put on to please someone else – someone or something that we imagine as all-powerful and much more important that we are.
I hope that this Blog will offer some helpful ways to look at our lives – plus some entertainment. Just like a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, we can become our beautiful, true selves!
Learning to Love Yourself is the True Magic!
Please write to me by posting comments on my Blog or YouTube video Channel:
Here’s my YouTube Channel:
Here is the link to my SssWitch Video:
Here is Positive Advice for Your Day!
The real Magic is Transforming Your Life! – SssWitch!

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator
Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller)
“Rainbow To Oz” A Modern Musical!