Cup for Education with Dr. Sue Horowitz
“I love coffee, I love tea, I love the java jive and it loves me…” (“Java Jive” by Milton Drake & Ben Oakland).
If you’re looking for a cuppa caffeine, an herbal serene, or an entertaining scene, you’ll hum, jive & come alive at the annual Coffee & Tea Festival NYC at the 69th Regiment Armory – listed as one of the “Ten Best New York Events.”
Perked up by morning cappuccino ($25 for VIP tickets – early entry plus swag-bags) we bought raffle tickets for “Cup for Education” – a non-profit company that supports educational projects in poor, coffee-growing areas. (All donations go to the local communities – the staff is all-volunteer.)

Tea Fields with Dr. Sue Horowitz & Erica Morrison
Prizes included goodies from vendors – established tea brands like Red Rose/Salada plus newcomers like “A Gift of Tea” – which makes “Tea Fields” – a tea-infused, shea body butter which my skin is drinking in along with my morning cuppa.
Coffees range from local – like Toby’s Estate, a Brooklyn roasters/espresso bar and New York Gourmet Coffee (“Fuhgeddaboudit!”) to major brands like A&P’s Eight O’Clock coffee.
Ancillary products include Nektar’s crystalized honey (non-sticky) and chapstick, Stevia (organic, and non-caloric sweetener) and glass tea pots, warmed by tea candles – even sea-salted chocolate samples by Salazon and vegan ice cream from Alchemy in Long Island City.
This weekend’s festival (produced by Starfish Junction) was sold out in advance – including the VIP tickets. But there’s always next year – plus many other shows at this Armory. The 69th Regiment has a history going back to the Civil War, so have a cuppa coffee, tea, and history!
Creative Living:
Swag-bags are fun, but here’s the real perk – caffeine (in moderation) actually reduces your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia and helps you live longer. Supporting charities like “Cup for Education” makes you feel better about your life – so do good, be well, and spend some dough on a cup of joe (and tea).
(Editor/Photographer: Jay Berman)
Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers,
Phyllis Diller, and more!)
Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net