Dr. Sue Jose Pinto Stephen, Musician with Pipa
I just had the pleasure of attending the New Tang Dynasty (NTD) TV’s New Year’s reception – a celebration of the revival of traditional Chinese Arts. The date fell between the Western and Chinese New Year – and provided many East Meets West moments – a traditional Chinese tea service in one room and a cocktail bar in another; models in costumes inspired by ancient dynasties posing in front of a Christmas tree; a demure, musician playing a
pipa (traditional stringed instrument) – while in other rooms, programmers sat at computers producing NTD television –technically sophisticated international, multi-lingual cable and webcast programs.
NTDTV sponsors
Shen Yun –
http://www.shenyunperformingarts.org/ – a multimedia feast of Chinese dance, music, costume, cultural costumes, in a blend of live performance and digital projections of a classical landscapes and spiritual visions.
Shen Yun tours internationally and performs annually in New York around Chinese New Year. NTD also sponsors other cultural events throughout the year – musical, dance, fashion, and culinary competitions. In fact, our hors d’oeuvres were made by a master chef and competition winner. One of my first words in Chinese is “
ho mei!” – delicious!
Here’s another photo from the reception – photographs by Photographer/Writer Jose Pinto Stephen (who is in the top photo). I’m wearing my East-Meets-West black and red jacket!
Happiness/Success Habits:
Enjoy cultural diversity! There is so much to learn, savor, and share! Your real kindred spirits may – or may not – come from your own background. Why limit your friendships to people who look or sound like your relatives? Life is like a rolling cart of steaming
dim sum (Chinese dumplings) – you have to sample a few to find out what’s
ho mei!
Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers,
Phyllis Diller, and more!)
Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net