DrSue Sings Funny Original Thanksgiving Song

“Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy”
DrSue Sings Funny Original Thanksgiving song “Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy: Tale of a Turkey-Pilgrim Dinner Date!” (Scroll down for Lyric, Thoughts about Self-Esteem, Diversity, Inclusion, American History, and my Life In-and-Out of the Performing Arts!)
My Song-Video Performance was recorded at Church Street School for Music and Art, 41 White Street New York City. Here’s their website: https://churchstreetschool.org/
Photo is from my performance at Singers Space, presented by D’Ambrose Boyd, BarThalia, Symphony Space New York City https://www.facebook.com/groups/143560185778318
Video DrSue Singer-Songwriter @Church Street School Music Party
“Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy” – Song Lyric by Susan Horowitz/DrSue
Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy Words and Music by Susan Horowitz/DrSue Copyright 2021 This is a tale of a turkey bird Who went to a turkey trot When anyone said, "May I have this dance?" She answered, "You may not. I'll only dance with a gentleman Who makes our country great If he's got money, then he'll be my honey And I will be his date!" Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy Saucy and surprising Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy Very appetizing! Suddenly somebody stepped on in Who came from Pilgrim stock He said, "I'll be candid My boat has landed here on Plymouth Rock. Turkeys are dumb, but drumsticks are yum And you look mighty fine Please do not stall, my Butterball Come with me to dine!" Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy Saucy and surprising Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy Very appetizing! They went to a fabulous restaurant She was his dinner date But when they got there the table was bare Except for an empty plate The rest of the story is terribly gory I'll leave out the end Let me just say have a fine Turkey day And share it with a friend. Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy Saucy and surprising Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy Very appetizing!
Contact Susan Horowitz/DrSue Social Media (Website Upper Right)
Songwriting and Meaning, Popular Song History, Self-Esteem Tips
Hope you enjoyed my original song “Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy: Tale of a Turkey/Pilgrim Dinner Date.” (Lyric is slightly revised to my latest version.) As you can see, the song is designed for fun, with a catchy, easy-to-sing melody and a sing-along chorus that includes the audience. The story (told in the verses) has two main characters: the Turkey Bird and the Pilgrim, who interact with dialogue and action, and the other turkeys, who don’t get to dance with the Turkey Bird.
The story also has a Narrator, the Singer (in this case, myself, the Singer Songwriter) who tells the story and articulates the theme in a humorous, ironic chorus. I encourage the audience to sing the chorus with me, and in fact, they do!
Why does my audience sing along? Because I give them an easy, catchy melody, with a repetitive refrain “Life Is Just a Bowl of Gravy” which probably reminds many audience members of the optimistic, popular song “Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries.” But cherries have pits, and life has pitfalls – especially for snobbish birds.
“Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy” sounds cheerful, but in fact, it’s a cynical (though perky) comment on the demise of the Turkey Bird! The self-deluding bird rejects her real friends, misunderstands her real situation, and will only dance with a rich “Pilgrim” who (like Donald Trump) promises to “make our country great.” The “Pilgrim” views the Turkey as an appetizing fool suitable for his main course. The story spares the listener the gory details, but ends with a bit of advice – enjoy Thanksgiving (“Turkey day”) and share it with a friend.
The advice – know who you are, don’t try to be who you are not, and value and enjoy your life – applies to many situations. The word “turkey” has become slang for an inept loser, a bird who can’t fly like the eagle. But in fact, the wild turkey (unlike its domesticated cousin, bred for the dinner table) is a native American bird, who can fly and run fast and is traditionally prized by Native Americans, whose own story is part of the real history of Thanksgiving
“Life is Just a Bowl of Gravy” is an original song rooted in a few song genres, including traditional story songs. The ongoing narrative is told in the verses, and the theme shows up in the chorus. The form is verse-chorus, and the repeating chorus makes it easy to learn and sing along.
I also draw inspiration from theatre/revue songs, which often became popular standards. “Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries” by Ray Henderson/Lew Brown (published in 1931) comes from a Broadway revue (George White’s Scandals, modeled after the Ziegfeld Follies). The easy-to-remember, positive refrain and catchy tune made it a song standard with many recordings. You can learn and enjoy more great song standards by visiting the American Popular Song Society American Popular Song Society (apssinc.org)
Some songwriters and musical theatre writers experiment and challenge traditional song forms. But even the most radical do well to learn their craft and tradition – even if what they want to do is rebel against it.
Singer-Songwriters, Popular Songs, and Musical Theatre

My life in-and-out of the Performing Arts reflects who I am as a Singer-Songwriter, Musical Theatre Creator, Educator, and Person.
Singer-Songwriters create a personal, intimate art form, which directly connects to audiences. The audience often includes other musicians or singers. If the songs are simple or well-known, the audience can sing or play along and build community.
Musical theatre is much more elaborate, with an emphasis on unusual talents, professional collaboration, production values – and substantial funding. The effect can be thrilling!
Autumn Photo by Suzen http://www.suzennyc.com/
I also love the melodic sweep and wit of musical theatre – especially my own show “Switch the Musical” www.switchthemusical.com – and the intimacy and freedom of singing-songwriting, where I can immediately connect with my audience. I consider everything I (and we) create to be aspects of our talents and personal values. And unlike the foolish turkey, we don’t need to seek validation from fake “Pilgrims.” We can do it for ourselves.
Comedians as “Wild Turkeys” Book: “Queens of Comedy”
Great comedians are like wild turkey chicks who have landed among the domesticated breed. They don’t look as plump and juicy as the ones bred for the dinner table. But if they embrace their own talents, they can fly! Here’s a link to some of my favorite “birds” – the legendary comediennes I interviewed for my book “Queens of Comedy”
Contact Susan Horowitz/DrSue Social Media (Website Upper Right)
I hope you enjoy my blog about life in-and-out of the performing arts. You can contact me by clicking the Contact Links and Social Media on this website. (www.DrSue.com)

Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Motivational Speaker-Author-Educator
Book: “Queens of Comedy” (Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller)
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