From New York State (iloveny.com)
to New Zealand (pacificholidaysinc.com)
the New York Times
Travel Show 2019 serves an
appetizing assortment of
cruising , culture, climbing, & more!
If you love cruising (luxury or budget),
you’ll find ocean or river cruises
on ships as large as city blocks
or small as Manhattan apartments,
plus cruise lines, agents, and great deals!

If you love culture and colorful
costumes, you’ll find Tai Chi
martial artists from China (cnto.org)
which is sponsoring China cruises,
land tours,
plus specialty Film/Drama tours
of cosmopolitan Shanghai
for show business buffs;

you’ll find Dancers from Indonesia,
the Phillipines (philipinetoursismusa.com)
(The Philippines is celebrating
100 years of independence in 2021
– so consider a combination

You might find
a far-flung, fabulous friend
from the South Pacific

from Curacao (papagayo.com)

Fort Lauderdale Pride Festival (pridefortlauderdale.org)
And when you visit –
or return to – the USA…
You can enjoy a
taste of New York!
If you’re a food-lover (and who isn’t)
Here are some yummy tips from Ithaca, New York!
Dr. Sue Interviews Ithaca, NY Food Expert Sarah Barden
(For Contact: visitithaca.com , ithacaisfoodies.com, or iloveny.com)
Susan (“Dr. Sue”) Horowitz, Ph.D.
Book: “Queens of Comedy”
(Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers,
Phyllis Diller, and more!) www.smashwords.com/books/view/219367
Musical: “SssWitch”: www.ssswitch.net